Weekly Blog 25th-1st

Anarchy = When a country doesn't have anyone in power and it's like a free for all. Oligrachy = When a small group of people run a country. Capitalism = Where people own and control busnises harder you work means more money but theres more poor people per rich people. Socialism = Businses are owned by everyone and everyone is equal everyone is equal but if you're rich you're loosing more money. Mixed Economy = When an economy uses both private, government owned, and public, personally owned, businesses to earn money. It's like a mixture between Capitalism and Socialism. Democrat: Known are the Left. Liberal = someone who believes in personal freedoms and change in society Progressive means you want progress in change Libertarians believe in freewill and less government involvment with the people. Moderate means you're in the middle of Democrate and Republican. Radical is the oppisite of Moderate it means you're either really left or really right on their opinions. Republican: Known as on the Right. Conservative = believes in tradition and not wanting as much change. Poles = are when people are called randomly across the country to get a random sample of what people are going to vote for. Margin of Error = the precentage of error that is with poles. 

Government shutdown ended on Friday. Trump is still saying that he might call a national emergency if he doesn't get his wall. He is having it open for three weeks but if they don't make a deal he will shut it down again. Cuba opens first church since start of communism rule in 1959, with aid from Florida congregation. It is a catholic church. Cuba is known for their cigars but they're illegal in America like a lot of Cuban things. Cuabn Missle Crisis caused us to get an even worse relationship with Cuba. Many are poor in Cuba. Venezuela is a very oil rich country causing them to be wealthy. Recently Venezuela is sliding into a political crisis. Their new ruler is illiginimate some are saying. His election was frauduant, as some say. Trump is doing a lot to help Venezuela. The people there are suffering and want to over throw the government. Russia supports the ruler there while America doesn't. Many are fleaing from Venezuela. They have a serious inflation problem called hyper inflation. People are starting because everything is too expensive. People want change and hoping that the military changes sides against the curant leader. They don't think this is political anymore they see it as servival. It's close to being an anarchy. 

A third party is when you aren't a democrate or a republican. They have sepreate believes from the democrates and republicans. People don't like third parties because they take votes away from the republicans and democrates. A third party has never won an election but they have done well before and affected the elections. 

Cory Brooker confirmed that he is running for president on the democratic side. Cory confirmed in college that he sexually assulted a girl in high school. Democrates are forgiving him because he apologised and said he learned a lot about it. Howard Schultz, former Starbucks CEO, might run for president. He was a democrate his whole life but then he decided he would become a third party. He's a centrist independent. People are unhappy because they think he's going to take votes away from the democrates. He thinks that Donald Trump is unfit to be President. Howard thinks he can win and it's outraging many democrates. 

Copied from 5Anna as I missed this week. 

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