February 4th- February 8th

Monday- 1930's started to present.

The causes of the Great Depression-

What are the causes of the Great Depression?

Stock Market Crash


Dust Bowl

Bank Failure

Stock market crash

People started investing money that they didn't have.

There was about 40 billion dollars lost

Led to Black Tuesday.

Led to many banks closing down forever.

Bank Failure

About 9,000 banks failed

Banks were using money that they didn't have

Worried people tried to get their money back.

Bad Bankig practices. 


All prices started to fall

This led to unemplyment

No one would by anything, so people started getting fired. 

Dust Bowl

There were bad farming methods

Light Topsoil

Aeolian Processess

Dirty 30's

Tuesday: The 1930's continued to present. 

Impact the Great Depression had on People

What impacted the United States during the Great Depression. 


Delines in output

Many people lost their savings becasue banks closed down.

Lots of deflation happened. 

Suicide Rate

In 1920 Suicide rates jumped over 20%

Highest rate went up on a 4 year period. 

Unemployment rate

Highest rate of unemployment was 25 percent.

Jumped in the 1940's. Unemployment rate went down.

Crime rate

It started high at first (Early 1930's)

Once unemployment rate went down, crime rate went down as well. 


A town that was made out of cardboard boxes. These pereleaseople lost all of their money and lived here. 

 Wednesday- 1930's continued to present.

Continuation of Tuesday

Apple stands

Poor people would sell apples for money and use that money.

This was for the people that could not make money.

Herbert Hoover

What impact did Hoover have on the economy 

Why did people dislike Hoover?


He grew up poor

Believed that if he worked hard, he would become rich

At first, he thought the Governmnet would fix itself.

The Hoover Dam was built durning this time. 

 Friday- 1930's continued to Present. 


Explain why FDR won both elections

Vice president was John Nance Garner

Put in the federal emergcy relaese.

Programs of jobs to people who couldn't get a job. 


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