As march madness comes along there is a lot of betting that can be placed on all the different teams. Sports betting is very popular in the U.S. and many people bet on a lot of sports and activities. With March madness on the up and coming, the…
"I agree and disagree with your answer because I do not think that the age restrictions need to be higher. The age restriction, I think, is good for many reasons. I do like how you said some people are not in the right state of mind to own a gun and…"
"I very strongly think that we should be able to have guns. Many people hunt and when hunting guns are a very high necessity to do what is needed to get the job done. Hunting is very loved around the world and they can't just take guns from everyone.…"
"I agree with you and like how you said it is a very positive thing. Also knowing that I would be saving many lives. I also would be very scared of having a life threatening illness and I can’t find a donor. So I would like to get that someone a…"
"I very much agree with your comment that it can do such great things and help out many other people. There are some people that are very much in need of something I might have so if I can give it to them then might as well."
"I believe you should be an organ donor because you can save people in ways that you don't imagine. Just a small thing could be really big for someone else and save them significantly. I am personally an organ donor and you should be too."
"I agree with you because it is obvious that they should have been sued and you explained it. It is an obvious case of when someone should be sued. If I was anyone I would sue them very heavily."
"I really like the way you answered the question and I agree with you. I like the way you talked about the GDP and you explained it well. So it makes sense in what you are saying."
"I believe America should not leave NATO because it is good for us to get help when in difficult situations. Also if you are by ourselves when we are in war we could have no one on our side. So having many countries with us would be good."
"I agree with your statement because of their flaws they should be at fault. If there are these flaws they should easily be at fault for it. These flaws could have caused something worse in a different situation. So I agree with your statement."
"I do think they are at fault because they did rush for the plane to work which caused many flaws. When there are flaws in something that is very dangerous when working I do not think that they should be able to fly. If there is problems in the plane…"
"I think that if you were in a state long enough where you became living there then it would be fine if it was legal in that state. But obviously if it is not legal in the state then no and she should face jail time. If you just travel to a state…"
"I believe that having an abortion is wrong. If you didn't want to have a kid then you should have thought about that before you did what you did. It would be taking away someone’s life. There is some exceptions thought just in case you couldn’t…"
What is NIL? NIL stands for Name, Image and Likeness. This rule allows college athletes to receive financial aid. NIL has just come about in the past couple years. For some athletes it has been very good for them because they are able to start…
"I really like the fact that you stated when you talked about them getting less stressed. This could make them feel more free and more independent before college. Which is a good responsibility to have early in life."
"I like your answer strongly. The ways that you say you are going to use your free time are very smart. But some people might not use them like this and do what they could be doing to help them. But these are some great ideas to do in my free time. "
"I like your answer strongly. The ways that you say you are going to use your free time are very smart. But some people might not use them like this and do what they could be doing to help them. But these are some great ideas to do in my free time. "
"I strongly agree with your answer because some people need to work for money so they might need breaks. This is helpful because not all students get enough relax time that is needed. Some work many hours just to have no time to chill and having…"
"I believe that if you are a certain age then you would be allowed to have an open campus study hall. Older students are more responsible than younger students. I think that because of the upperclassmen being more responsible that they should be able…"
"I completely agree and I can understand where you're coming from when you are talking about how you might not want to pay for it in the situation that you were in. that makes total sense and that could relate for some people. So if you are in a bad…"
"I disagree with the statement because the taxes would be raised significantly higher and it would not be cheaper because of that significant raise. I don't think it would be helpful to you if there was free health care just because of the crazy…"
"I strongly agree with your statement because of the raising of taxes. It makes sense with what you're saying through paying health care through taxes. The jump in taxes would be significant close to the tax raise."
"I think that it could bring some problems if America gave free healthcare. Health is very expensive and that is why there is insurance on it. We should be lucky that it is an option to have health insurance. The taxes could be a big issue because of…"
"I strongly believe that teachers should not be able to teach from the Bible and Ten Commandments. If they do it could be pressuring some students into joining a certain religion. Which could cause some trouble. Oklahoma might have passed a law but…"
"I disagree with this statement because if they have questions then they can go to a priest or someone that knows more about the topic. Teachers should not be telling students about a certain religion. Maybe if the teacher goes to the same church…"
"I believe that having a class would be a bad idea because some kids might join it without their parents knowing. If they are a different religion and their parents don't know that they are learning a different religion that could cause some…"
"I think that January 6th was a very violent event and many people were definitely injured. I disagree and agree both with the pardon’s because some people did not do anything as bad as what some people did. Some of the people that were in jail…"
"I completely agree with what you are saying. You make a great point of what issues have brought up because of this. If these issues continue to escalate it could make our day to day life different. I can also see the good reason for it to be illegal."
"I believe that it is a crazy idea. But I think they could be legal and I myself would never encourage something like this to happen. I believe it could still be legal but I obviously don’t like the idea. There are many people that have religious…"
"I agree with your statement about how bitcoin will not take over the dollar anytime soon because it is way too powerful. Also all those people that have loads and loads of cash what are they going to do when they cant use it. All that money would…"
"I strongly feel that bitcoin could not replace the dollar because it is money online and there are still many places that deal with cash. But as of today, more and more events are starting cards only. Maybe in the future when the world switches to…"
"I strongly believe that they don't take away from school time because not all of the jobs are full-time right after school. You aren’t going to work everyday for long shifts late at night or early in the morning. People are just making a little…"
"I completely agree with your statement about being responsible with your money. The more people learn to be responsible and not spend their money on stupid things early. It could help you later in life when you are an adult making more money."
"I believe that high school students should have jobs after school. There are many kids that don’t do anything after school and all they do is sit at home. Also more and more adults are starting to stop working so maybe if kids in high school get…"