In the U.S more than 100,000 people are waiting for a transplant. Every day about 17 people die because there aren't enough organ donors, so unfortunately many of these people won’t get their second chance at life. It may be a hard thing to think about, donating your organs after you pass away, but organ donors save lives.
With one single donation you could end up saving up to 8 lives. You will have a big impact by doing this, and your donation not only helps the person getting the transplant, but improves others lives as well. Becoming a donor is very simple, you can register while getting your driver's license. When you donate after death, you give the recipient a chance at life again. It can improve the timespan of their lives, and even the quality. They can be involved in their families lives again and even return to work. You can be a living donor as well, but you are not forced to that option. Donating after you pass is a great option because while you won’t need your organs anymore, you can still save the lives of many.
Myths are a big reason that people don’t make this decision. They cause many concerns and worry about becoming an organ donor. Some believe that “if the hospital knows I agreed to be a donor, the hospital won’t work as hard to save my life.” Others think that if they donate their organs they won’t be able to have an open casket funeral. Being a living donor can come with many risks as well. This is a big surgery and definitely won’t be pain free.
I understand the worries brought with deciding to be a donor or not. In my opinion I think that becoming a donor is a great thing to do. You get the chance to give someone another chance at many things, and even after death you get the reward of knowing that you just saved another person.
Are you or do you think you will be an organ donor?
Do you think being a donor is a positive thing to do?
Great topic choice and summary Claudia! Well done!
I think being a organ donor is a great thing. Because it can help save people lifes when they are in life threating illnesses or accidents. When you die it can help people live longer to see there family and they are living right now because you were able to save their lifes.
Becoming an organ donor is one of the easiest ways to help others. One organ donor can save multiple people's lives by giving people a second chance who are suffering from organ failure. There are thousands of people on organ waiting lists, and without donors, many of them wouldn't survive
I think being a organ donor is very good for everyone. You can help save someone's life by donated a organ. I think this is a great way to do something good for someone else who really needs it. It is also a good mindset to have.
I believe you should be an organ donor because you can save people in ways that you don't imagine. Just a small thing could be really big for someone else and save them significantly. I am personally an organ donor and you should be too.
I think that being a donor is a very good thing and you could end up saving someone's life. I think I already am a donor so if my life was cut short they would go to someone in need. A lot of people need these like you said in the beginning and it could help them a lot if more people become donors.
I very much agree with your comment that it can do such great things and help out many other people. There are some people that are very much in need of something I might have so if I can give it to them then might as well.
Yes I agree with you. I am a donor as well and think it would be great to help somebody in need if I no longer needed my organs. There are many people in need of them, and it would be great if more people became donors like you said.
I am an organ donor. I'm an organ donor because I believe that if I was given the opportunity to save someone by giving them one of my kidneys, then I would immediately do so, I think that organ donors are lifesavers and help out people who need certain organs.
I totally agree with you. I think it is a great mindset to have! I definitely think that organ donors are lifesavers and I like that you said you would immediately do so. I think that is a great thing and being a donor is a great choice.