On Wednesday August 26, 2009 we talked about Teddy Kennedy. I didn't know he even existed until today, August 26. I knew he had a brother whats-his-face Kennedy. Anyway, apparently he died. I don't think he'll get more than Michael Jackson, but he'll
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Today at the begining of CWI we went over the states and capitals of the United States. It helps to go over it in class so that you can start stuyding that way. I don't know them very well yet, but I'm getting better. Then we finished talking about o
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Today in history we talked about the Mexican /American war. We also talked about when Jackson was pesident. He was the seventh president and was elected in 1828 and 1832. He was a military leader and unlike other presidents he grew up poor. We talked
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At the beginning of class today, we went over the states and capitals. I really think I am going to fail. But I guess if I study i will be alright. After that, we went over our summer blogs again.We talked a lot about Michael and Farrah again. We lea
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Today in U.S. history:Mexican/American War:Mexico and United States fought it, and America won and paid $18 million dollars for half of Mexico- Cal. Nev. Wyoming. Mexico did not like this at all. Took place because of Manifest Destiny, expanding our
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Today in US History.The Mexican American War was fought beteween Mexico and the United States. The United States won the war and got half of Mexico. Paid 18 million dollars for it. The war took place to expand the boarders. Most Unjustifed war we fou
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Mexican American War-was fought by Mexico and united states.united states won.won the southern states from this war.caused bad relationship between those two countries for a long period of time.war took place because of manifest destiny.this war was
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Today we continued reviewing the blog posts.First we talked about the Mexican American war. The Mexicans and the American fought for it. America won and ended up getting half of mexico. This war was to gain land through Manifest Destiny. The U.S. was
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This is what we did today. Mr. Bruns talked about our assigned blogs due Sunday. These are supposed to be about anything about John F. Kennedy. Then we continued with the blogs.First up was the Mexican American War. It was fought between Mexico and t
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Today in Mr. Bruns US history class 8th hour we learned.Mexican American war-About the mexican american war, Mexico and US fought in the war, and the US won. We got the region of the south west United States, like Arizona. This war carved out a huge
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Mexican American WarThe Mexican- Amercian War was between Mexico and the U.S., we won about half of Mexico-7 states. The war took place because of the Manifest Destiny, which means expand our borders. The most unjustified war we have fought. Mexico t
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Today in history we continued talking about things that we researched. First we talked about the Mexican American war. We talked about why we fought the war and if it was justified or not. We talked about Lincoln's presidentcy.He was elected in 1860.
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Today in cwi we learned about the states again. We ran through oral practice 2 times. We also learned that our map quiz is in two weeks.We did not talk about Kennedy today, but Mr. bruns did comment that it will be a major topic in the upcoming weeks
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Today we talked about the Mexican/American war. It happended after we annexed Texas, and from the war we won the Mexican session, which was Texas and California. Mexico was angry with us after we had taken half their land. Later we talked about Presi
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First we talked bout mexican american war. The U.S. won and we got texas and californa. It was mexican session. Mexico lost 50 percent of there land. 1733 people died in the war. We pasted the bored that mexico thought was the border but then they in
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WHAT WE LEARNED TODAYMexican American War-Texas was part of Mexico-For a while was the blue star republic-Mexico vs. United States-Americans won-United States got the Mexican Cession- California Utah Nevada Colorado...-and Texas-What started the war.
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Today in class we reviewed are western half of the states and capitals. Then we went around the room and finished sharing are two summer stories. Mr. Bruns gave us are topics for are groups. Are topic was the Theory of Communist. We watch a music vid
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Today,we finally got the computers out. Only to put them back 5 minutes later. I realized the summer blog wasn't supposed to be about our summer, it was supposed to be about a summer event. Which sucks. But coach was nice enough to give me the opport
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Today in CWI, we went over the test we will be taking over the states and capitals. After, we watched a video about Edward "Ted" Kennedy. It's a very sad loss, and i'm not going to lie. I almost dropped a tear. I learned he was diagnosed with brain c
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