Austin's Summary for 8/27/09

This is what we did today. Mr. Bruns talked about our assigned blogs due Sunday. These are supposed to be about anything about John F. Kennedy. Then we continued with the blogs.First up was the Mexican American War. It was fought between Mexico and the US and we won. Following the war the treaty gave us half of Mexico and adding tons of land to the US. This took place partly because of manefest destiny. The war really wasn't justified it was just to gain land. Polk made it so that Mexico invaded when they thought that we did so he had a reason to fight.Next was Lincoln's Presidency. He was considered to be one of the best presidents. He lead the North in the Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclimation which was supposed to free the slaves. Another thing that he was well know for was the Gettysburg Address to honor the soldiers who died during the battle. He added the 13rd Amendment which officially abolished slavery.Then we moved to the Civil War. This war lasted 4 years. The North won because they had a lot more soldiers and a lot more resources then the South. The South had better generals though but it didn't do them a lot of good. All battles ending in heavy casulties but the greater numbers of the North helped to carry them to victory.Reconstruction was the next thing. It was simply the rebuilding of the South after the Civil War. 13th Amendment abolished slavery. 14th Amendment gave minorities citizenship and rights. 15th Amendment gave minorities the right to vote. However African Americans were kept back because of taxes and literacy tests. A lot of things were destroyed. Social systems were all messed up. The Freedman's Bureau educated African Americans and helped them to get jobs. The military kept the South in line while this was happening. The North also came and took over the government in the South. Hayes was only elected President because the South was willing to let him as long as he would help them out.
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  • Great job!
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