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John F Kennedy and his wife Jackie

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvie were married on September 12, 1953 at St. Mary`s Church in Newport. They were introduced to each other by a journalist named Charles L. Bartlett at a dinner party. A crowd of 3,000 were waiting
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The eigth day of school showed that when you're going to sweat, curly hair is the best option for the day. Also, over the years the art of "pepping" people up has lost some of it's effect on my generation. It made us all think about the dead, and the
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Today in US History we went over the topics for the JFK assassination. We went over that he was killed from inside a building. Mr. Bruns also yold us about a movie they have about John F Kennedy. We were assigned the parts of his assassination we wer
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Today we talked more about out 8th grade history review. We finished talking about the mexican american war. We also talked about lincoln presidentcy.
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Ah, the sweet rainbows of communism fail again. XD So, today we frantically finished up our powerpoints as much as we could. My group just barely got done uploading ours onto all our pages on here, when the bell rang. Madi was nice enough to wait for
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Free Choice Blog

Recently i got my mini cooper, i love that car, its fun to drive, its comfy, it has everything you could want in your first car.The Mini Cooper is british, i like that, its red with a white top.I drive my brother to school in it everyday, my dad got
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JFK And his to the moon speech US History

- On May 20th,1962 JFK gave his famous moon speech- Wanted to put a man on the moon before the end of the Decade.- He said the most famous words in history,We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other thing
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August 28, 2009

Today, we didn't really discuss anything. The pep rally was today, so Taylor and I had to leave early. We had a pretest and it was hard.
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friday, august 28

Today in fifth hour current world issues at the harlan community high school, we had a pretty easy day. First, we went over the states and capitals. It has helped me a lot. Maybe i won't fail, if I'm lucky. :) After we went over that, we talked about
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Notes from today..Abe Lincoln...- 16th president- elected in 1861- vice president Andrew Johnson- the battle of gettysburg, july 1-3- november 19th gettysburg address- elected for two terms in 1865- leader through the civil war- transcontinental rail
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Thursday 8-27-09

Today we talked about three topics from our eighth grade review. The three topics were The Jefferson Presidency, Jackson Presidency, and How the U.S. acquired land in the early 1800's.Jefferson Presidency- We talked about the Revolution of 1800, it w
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8/27/09 Blog Summarization for Thursday

Today in Mr. Bruns class we finished up all our blog discussions, and we went over most of the states and capitals of the United States. Then Mr. Bruns gave us our first project over political systems. The topic that my group was given was communism.
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JFK's Early Life.

p style='text-align:left'>jfk.jpg

May 29th, 1917 was the day of birth for John F. Kennedy in Brookline, Massachusetts. His family was very wealthy. JFK lived in his birth city for ten years of his life. He attended Edward Devotion School of Brookline until t
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Health Care Blog.

The health care system now does not require every American to have health care coverage. There is Medicare for the older population that is supported by the federal government, private health insurance you buy or get through work. There is also Medic
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Thursday, August 27

Today we didn't do very much. All we did was go over the map of the U.S. with capitals and states, and research. I bet I'll get like a B- to a C- on the state and capitals test. I'm horrible at naming the states let alone capitals with them!!!! When
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CWI thursday

Today we started research on Anarchy and Dictatorship. We got one page done. This doesn't seem like it'll be the funnest assignment ever but i think i can handle it. We agreed on using Zoho and having the backround be lime green. We also went through
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Wednesday, August 26

We mostly talked about Teddy Kennedy. I didn't know he even existed I only knew he had a brother John F. Kennedy. Teddy died of a brain tumor. I think that he'll get more attention then Farrah and Billy Mays, but no were near as much as MJ. But we'll
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August 27, 2009

Today we started by going ove the capital and states again. After we went throught that twice, the last people talked about their summer stories. Then we talked about Senetor Edward Kennedy for just a little bit again.Then each group got a subject to
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Tuesday, August 25

Today we didn't do much, all we really do is talk about is MJ and Farrah. Except me, who was grounded at the time and couldn't go on the computer. It was about the whole worthless vaccine for Cervical cancer. Is that how you spell Cervical? Drea is s
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Today we learned about Jefferson's Presidency, Jackson's Presidency, the land the U.S. aquired, and a little bit about the Mexican American war. Jefferson had a big part in the Lewis and Clark expedition. They wanted to make friends with the Native A
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