Today we continued reviewing the blog posts.First we talked about the Mexican American war. The Mexicans and the American fought for it. America won and ended up getting half of mexico. This war was to gain land through Manifest Destiny. The U.S. was separated from Mexica by the Rio Grande river. We won a lot from this war. They lost about double the people we did.Next we talked about Lincoln's presidency. He was one of the best presidents there has been. He helped end slavery and he was in power during the Civil War. When Lincoln was elected the south seceeded. They did this because they knew he was going to try and abolish slavery.Then we Talked about the Civil war. the North/U.S. and the South/Confederates. the United States won this war mostly because they had more soldiers and resources. Their health care was also better. The battles were won by both sides but the number at the end is what really hurt the south. The north also had more land. Which meant they could grow more food.Next we talked about the reconstruction. This lasted twelve years. This was the rebuilding of the south after the Civil War. The 13th ammendment was meant to abolish slavery. The 14th ammendmant stated that everybody in the United States no matter where they were from they had equal rights. The 15th ammendment gave freed slaves the right to vote. and women. Blacks were then able to vote but some didnt cause they had to pay more taxes and they were intimidated and they still weren't given the same rights as whites. Almost everyone that was in the government was racist. Rutherford Hays was elected for president but he only won because he said he would get the north out of their area.