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Martin Luther King Jr's assassination. (9-3-09)


Martin Luther King Jr. was on his way to Memphis, TN on April 3rd, but he ended up getting there later than what he expected because there was a bomb threat for his flight before takeoff. He was assassinated on April 4th, 1968 at 6:01 p.m. He was on
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September 3, 2009

Today I watched the video that showed Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald on live T.V., I thought this was very interesting. You could really see the shooting happening, but you could definetly tell it happened. I also found pictures that showed Ruby
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Well today is my sixteenth birthday. It's pretty exciting I guess, and hopefully I will get my drivers license very soon. I also hope to go to Pizza Ranch tonight and eat until... I can't eat anymore. Today Mr. Bruns continued to call people to his t
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Today we began our oral testing over what we learned in the eigth grade. We began to go in alphabetical order with the exception of a few brave souls who volunteered themselves to be tested. I think there are about 20 questions that we must answer to
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Today not much happened. We talked about our blog topics from the previous week. I learned a bit about the history of tupperware. I also learned quite a bit about Kennedy's actual assassination, and we watched the still frame photos and film of Kenne
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What Revenge?-FreeChoice2

Roxanne Shante's debut hit was "Roxeanne's Revenge" the song became a hit at just age fourteen.A famous 1980s female rapper, Roxanne Shante, finally got Revenge on Warner Music. She accused the label of lying and cheating about the contracts. This ly
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Today we tried to get through as many presentations as possible. Unfortunately, the laptops were going REALLY, REALLY slow, so the people who used Microsoft Powerpoint went group. So I clicked to make the slides change and Sarah and Madi r
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Lincoln's Assassinator; John Wilkes Booth

John Was born May 10, 1838 on a farm bear Bel Air, Maryland. He was the second to last child of ten kids to be born. His parents were British and moves to the United States in 1821. John and his family had slaves, so that explains why he didn't like
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Underwear in the Economy?

A big topic in the news has been that the economy has been bad, but there are signs of improvement. Men’s boxers have been selling well. Usually the sales of men’s underwear are steady, but it has been said that during times of money problems they wi
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Daily Summary-9/3/09

Today in US History we researched our JFK topics, my group of Austin,Ray and myself are researching the Warren Commission, Austin found some cool video clips of JFK, i read a little more of the Warren Report so did Ray.
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Summary for 9/3/09

Oswald moved to New Orleans and left his family in Dallas for a job but quickly ran out of money and had to move back home. His friend back home found him a job at the Texas School Book Depository Site. Oswald was still upset about the murder of Patr
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Today I took my first oral test. I was very nervous. We did more research again.
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september 2, 2009

Yesterday in Cwi we presented our powerpoint presentations to the class. They were on the diffrent types of government. I learned that there was two diffrent types of capitalisim. The U.S. has democracy. Democracy means that the people, elect represe
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today in history we worked on our project. Jenna found pictures of Jack Ruby shooting Oswald. Also, Taylor said that Jack Ruby shot Oswald not because he wanted to be a hero, but he wanted to do it for Jackie Kennedy, JFK's wife.Oswald moved to the S
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september third, two thousand nine

Today in U.S. History, we spent the whole class period working in our groups and taking our oral tests over 8th Grade Review. My group is starting our presentation slide show today..In class today, I learned that Lee Harvard Oswald shot JFK and Jack
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Thursday, September 3

Today in U.S. History I took my first oral test. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The first thing that I learned was during the reconstruction of the south the government took over and passed laws stating there would be no slavery. T
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September 3, 2009

Today we officially divided our work for the project.Josh is doing the "Magic Bullet" and the "More than One Gunman" theories.Mumm is doing the "Three Tramps" and Decoy Herse and Wound Alteration" theories.Brandon is doing the "Cuban Exiles" and "Mor
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9/3/09 dailys

Today I again researched the shooting of JFK. There are a ton of people that say they were there but in reality they are just making it up. One girl said she even touched JFK but in the film she was sitting on the ground. She also said that she go hi
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