While Theodore Roosevelt was campaigning in Milwaukee in October 1912 for a third term, John Scrhank fired a shot at him shortly before a planned speech. The bullet went through a steel glasses case and through his 50 page speech folded once in his b
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Today in class we went over the southeast part of the United States. Then we talked about major news stories of this week. The wildfires spreading in California, and depending on who you talk to, if it was getting better or if it might not yet be put
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Today we got into our groups and started research on our topic. Its best for my group to work together, unlike other groups who are splitting up their topic. All i really did today was start reading about it. The farthest i got was reading about the
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In the first weeks of class in half of the nations colleges and universities that are tracking swine flu cases are reporting infected students. Right now there is more than 1,600 cases that have been reported. The American College Health Association,
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Today in CWI we went over the states again. I think I'm getting better, but I still need to study. Then we had about 15 minutes to go over our project again. In my group we already had our power point done, so we went over our skit a few times.Then o
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I continued researching today about the House Select Commite on Assassinations. My group and I also clarified the responsibilities. The HSCA was made to look deeper into assassinations and see if there was something over looked. There's a lot of diff
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Today we realized we had to do a skit along with our project. We thought we were finished and there was no way we could make up a non-terrible skit by Wednesday. About a minute later we realized today was Wednesday. We started coming up with ideas an
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Today in class we finished the last two free choice blogs. Then we began researching the JFK assasination. We divided our duties between the four of us and I had to read part of the first chapter of the Warren Report. I didn't get very far today beca
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Today we talked about the blogs that will be due this week. Our first one was a free choice, of course like always. We can choose a major politcians assassination. I hope my choices assassination is interesting.We also got our group assigned blog. My
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Today in class we went over the south eastern part of the states and capitals. We went over them more than once because not very many people seem to know them very well and there was a lot of mumbling goingon. We started to present our projects. The
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Today in History we learned that our tests over the eighth grade review topics would start tommorow. We also started to research, with our groups, about our JFK assassination topics. I found a few good websites about the House Committee of Assassinat
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Michaela Garecht's mother had high hopes again in finding her daughter that was kidnapped in 1988, three years before Jaycee Dugard, when she was 11 years old. Michaela and a friend rode their scooters to the grocery store one day and when they went
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John Kennedy was a very smart man in his younger days. He was born of weathy parents, Joseph Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald. Kennedy spent most of his younger days moving all around. When he first started school, it was in a public school. He, then afte
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Today in CWI we went over the states and learned that we do not know them very well. We went over more health care. Also, we tried to finish up our presentations. Lauren, Taylor, and courtney over the two types of monarchy. They are constitutional mo
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Today in class he talked about our blog topics for the next week. He first said that that for our free choice it would be like last week. For our assigned blog we are to do it about a famous assassination that happened to a political figure or a real
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We went over the south-eastern sates and their capitals once or twice and found out that we do NOT know them very well. Even though there are less of them than the bigger portion we've been going over, the capitals are a little tricky... After that w
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Robert 'Bobby' Kennedy was born in 1925 and died in 1968. He was the brother of the John F. Kennedy, and served as Attorney General from 1961 to 1964. He resigned to run for the Senate, and took office in New York in 1965.When the election of 1968 ca
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Today in CWI we went over the map again. Everybody seems to have the western states down pretty well, but the southeastern states are kinda tricky at first. After that we talked a little bit and yeah all that.Mr. Bruns gave us fifteen minutes to prep
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Today we finished going over peoples free choice blogs for last week. then we continued to work on our group project that we are just starting. Bruns also started testing people on the eight grade topics.
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Weeell, it was an interesting day, for sure. Me and my groupies reviewed our very simple but effective skit. Had lounge music on our presentation. And I still had a cold so my throat hurt. Sucks to be me. But since that was the first time I had seen
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