John Was born May 10, 1838 on a farm bear Bel Air, Maryland. He was the second to last child of ten kids to be born. His parents were British and moves to the United States in 1821. John and his family had slaves, so that explains why he didn't like the idea of freeing slaves. When John was young, he went to many rivate schools including a boarrding school operated by Quuakers at Cockeysville. When John was in in the military academy in Catonsville, he became a Know-Nothing in politics. The Know-Nothing Party was formed by American nativists who wanted to keep the country for native-born white citizens. According to his sister, Booth wanted to be a famous actor like his dad was who died in 1852.
When Lincoln became president, he wanted to get rid of slavery, and Booth was against that. I'm guessing he was against freeing slaves because he grew up with slaves. At first, Booth's plan was to kidnap Lincoln and taken to Richmondto be held in exchange for comfederate soldiers in Union prision camps. That plan didn't work out so well I would say. Lincoln was killed April 14th at the Ford's Theater.
After the assasination, Booth was on the run for twelve days and was finally found sleeping in a tobacco barn owned by Richard H Garrett on April 26th. Booth refused to leave, so the Calvalry set the barn on fire and Booth was shot by Boston Corbett. The last word that Booth said before dying "Useless! Useless!"