Today I watched the video that showed Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald on live T.V., I thought this was very interesting. You could really see the shooting happening, but you could definetly tell it happened. I also found pictures that showed Ruby actually 2 seconds away from pulling the trigger on Oswald. Honestly, Oswald deserved it obviously.But it would have been nice too have Oswald maybe be alive a little longer for interviews and stuff like that.I learned through research that William McKinley's assassination was on September 6, 1901, at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, but he had died from his wounds on September 14. His assassin was Leon Czolgosz. On the 5th and 6th of September, MicKinley had an Exposition and was welcoming people by shaking theyre hands for whoever wanted. In that line was Leon Czolgosz. When Czolgosz was face to face with the President, they held out their hands but before they shook Czolgosz pulled the trigger twice.