Today i learned that there is people out there that actullay think that there is more han one person that shot JFK. Personally I think that there was more than two people that were involed in the shootin. By the movie that watch it looked like one pe
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In class today I learned how to import a powerpoint from Microsoft Powerpint into We decided to use this approach to our project because Michyla and I do not have Microsoft Powerpoint at out home computers.We also took more oral tests today
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Today in CWI we went over all the states in the U.S. I butchered it completely. I better start trying to attempt to maybe actually study for this. After, we got into our groups to go over our governments. Taylor, Lauren, & Courtney presented their go
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Today, in class, we skipped reviewing the states and capitals and continued with our presentations. Our group went 3rd today, I believe. Once again, as said before, we did Socialism, and our skit was rather comical. Others that went today were Anarch
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Today, September 3, 2009 at the Harlan Community High School in room 207, we watched presentations. I really enjoyed watching them. Mr, Bruns showed us a report about both physical and mental abuse. We decided that in our school, mental abuse is more
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Dear Mr. Blog Entry for C-Dub,Mr. Bruns started off class by showing a news article of mental and physical bullying. Questioning the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Next, the Luke, Max, and Eli presented t
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Posted by 2courtneyb on September 3, 2009 at 11:55am
Today in CWI, Mr. Bruns told us about the phrase "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me". He told us that according to a study that phrase is not true. Verbal abuse is worse, and it makes students in schools hard to concen
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Today in CWI, we talked about the sticks and stones saying and how words supposedly cannot hurt you. That was proven wrong when there was a study in Illinois that proved there is verbal abuse. We learned that that quote is not true and that when we h
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Today in class are group went for the project. Are topic was the theory of communism. We didnt do so hot on are project but still got are point across. Another group went and presented the topic of; practice of communism. They did better then us. We
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Posted by 4Brianna on September 3, 2009 at 11:43am
We continued with our presentations today in CWI. Luke, Max and Eli went first. They had the theory of communism. The theory of communism is what communism is supposed to be like. It really doesn't have any examples in history because it's never real
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Posted by 4Danielle on September 3, 2009 at 11:01am
Today in U.S history we got back into our groups once again and worked on our topics while other people do there individual tests over the eighth grade topics.
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Today we are doing research on JFK. Mr.Bruns talked about our blogs and our web page and about what we need to do better or like what we shouldn't do. We didn't have to much time to research but we watched a video and saw JFK's head get blown off. It
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Benazir Bhutto was a politician from Pakistan that led the Pakistan People’s Party which is abbreviated the PPP. Bhutto became the first woman ever to be elected Prime Minister, in a Muslim State. This was a big deal because women are considered infe
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..In 2004, reports of abuse held at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were released. These types of abuse included physical, psychological, and sexual abuse like torture, rape, homicide and other terrible things. The US army people also used dogs to scar
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Today, in class, we did....something. Then we focused on presenting our presentations that didn't get presented yesterday as predicted. We put the finishing touches on our skit, and each of my group members embedded our PowerPoint Presentation, which
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Today we researched our JFK subjects. I started taking notes on Lee Harvey Oswald. I learned he used to live in the Soviet Union. He was born October 18, 1939 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His father was Robert Edward Lee Oswald Sr and he died two month
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Well today Max Eli and I had to rush to get a computer to start and finish pur power pint on communism wich we will probably act out and present tomarrow maybe. But the only people that went today wa Taylor, Lauren, and Courtney. Theres was Monarchy,
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Today, in class, we went over the southeastern portion of the united states capitals. I personally was a bit rusty, so to say, with these. We, for the longest time, talked of the health care system. I really don't know how I can extend my explanation
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Today, in class, we went over the state capitals to cue the start of our class period. We discussed our free choice blogs that we did over the weekend. I did the story on the steroid situation in baseball. A few people did the story on the girl that
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