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Thursday 9-3-09

Today in history we continued to research our John F. Kennedy project topics. Today we split our topic into three parts, and I am supposed to focus on the Differences between the Warren Report and also the findings and conclusions of the House Select
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Friday 9/4/09

Today I didn't really learn anything in class. I just skimmed through a website and decided what information I'm going to include for the JFK project.-Breann Lehr
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Mysterious animal might be Chupacabra

The owner of a taxidermy school in Texas recently got a very weird animal delivered to his school to get stuffed. Jerry Ayer, the owner of the school, had never seen anything like it before so he decided to report it. The media quickly snapped up the
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We continued to discuss the economic and governmet systems assigned to us today. Only two groups had yet to present. These two groups presented capitalism, a system that the United States is known for, and Anarchy and Dictatorship.The groups did real
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Summary 9/4/09

Today in class I continued reading into the Warren Report. In my report it briefly discussed what Oswald did around the time of the assasination. Then it goes into the conclusions and states evidence about how they came to about Owsald being the kill
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The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. is known as one of the greatest Civil Rights leaders of all times. Being most famous for his "I Had A Dream" speech. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 after Rosa Parks stood up for herself on one of the busses one eveni
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Finished up our government presentations today. All that was left was the and Capitalism groups. After that Mr. Bruns showed us an article about the unemployment rate (which is WAY high right now) and another one about libraries, books, and iPhones,
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Friday, September 4, 2009

Today in history, we worked on our projects more. We have our zoho account set up and we will each do our own part over the weekend. I put up a couple pictures on the slides today, as well.Oswald bought the rifle he used to kill JFK in Chicago. He bo
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Today im doing more research on Jack Ruby in class. Taylor and I are starting our powerpoint on AND i got a fake detention and Michael Klien asked me to HOMECOMING. i said yes of course. i was really nervous. and i was shaking.
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September 4,2009

Today I learned that Lee Harvey Oswald's life was very complicated. He had a troubled life with his wife. But he only had known his wife for six weeks before they married. I learned his military carrerr was quite odd. He got in some trouble a couple
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September 4, 2009

Alright, so, today in history I took my test. I missed four. I learned that Mr. Brun's podcasts really help.We continue working on our projects for history. I didn't get must project work done because I spent over the first half of class studying.
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Today I put the finishing touches on our powerpoint. I couldnt figure out how to do sound effects so I didnt get to put in the bullet sound I wanted. I already had all my info typed up so I didnt learn anything new today on that subject. I also caugh
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9/4/09 Dailys

Today we continued working on our JFK research. Its pretty interesting an how there are so many theries on how JFK gets shot. I have the Two men theory and the CIA theory. The two men theory is about how they thought there was more than one gun man.
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Friday, September 4

Today in class we worked on our John F. Kennedy projects. It was our last day to work on them in class. I learned that the man that killed John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was shot and kill only two days after he shot and killed John F. Kennedy by
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what i have to do

parade routevideo of him being shotabout when the vice president became presidentparade route

The motorcade arrived in Dealey Plaza at 12:30 p.m.Turned right from Main Street to Houston StreetTurned into Elm Street passing the Schoolbook Depository Bu
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Today Ian and I continued work on our Powerpoint. We selected the design layout for it and made our slides, We included the committee's evidence that certain groups were not involved in the assassination such as the Cuban Government and the anti-Cast
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I took my oral test today, sadly I did very poorly. I hope to improve on my next test. Ian and I continued reasearch on the House Select Committee on Assassination and began work on our Powerpoint. I learned that 4 bullets were supposedly shot and th
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Friday, September 4th, 2009

In CWI today, we talked about the current unemployment rate (9.7%) compared to the unemployment rate a couple years ago (about 3.5-4%). This is the highest rate of unemployment in 26 years. We discussed how the housing market was a big player in the
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Friday, September 4 2009

Today in Cwi at the beginning of class we went over how much the rate of people not working has sky rocketed. Normaly it is at about 3% and right now its 9.7%. We talked about how the house markets are down and how our crountry is in a recession.Our
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September 4, 2009

Today in class we went over the north eastern states and capitals. Mr. Bruns did his project today. His topic was over socialism. He brought up school systems and teachers in his presentation about how its hard to get fired for being a bad teacher. M
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