Underwear in the Economy?

A big topic in the news has been that the economy has been bad, but there are signs of improvement. Men’s boxers have been selling well. Usually the sales of men’s underwear are steady, but it has been said that during times of money problems they will try and stretch the time between getting new ones. Last year men’s underwear sales went down because the United States was getting into a recession.During the last year the sales of men’s underwear fell 2.3% according to Mintel, a research firm. The first drop since they started tracking sales in 2003. But stores are reporting encouraging signs in the men’s underwear department. At Target spokeswoman Jana O’Leary said “sales of men’s underwear have been stronger over the past two months and multi-pair packs are moving.” Even former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan, says that this theory seems to be true.

Sales of more expensive men’s underwear has slowed, but less expensive pairs show a double digit sales growth. Marshal Cohen, senior analyst with the consumer research firm NPD group said “that he hopes that the recent positive signs in men’s underwear will spill over into other need-based purchases.” Perhaps it is true that good things come in small packages.
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