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Populist Movement - Omaha Platform - (1890's) Made up of farmers and factory workers. It helped farmers out of debt. It also gave the people a greater voice in government instead of it only being white, rich males in the government all the time. They pushed for the right for women to vote. William Jennigns Bryan had an analogy of a Cross of Gold, saying that the rich were crucifying the average person on this Cross of Gold. A Graduated Income Tax is if you make more money, than the more tax you pay. When electing senetors, the state legistraters were the ones to choose them, the state legistraters are white, rich males, who chose other white, rich males for their senetors so they could make laws that would only benefit the white, rich males. SO, laws were passed so that everyone 18 and older could vote on the senetors to prevent this. Secret Ballots were created so that people couldnt be intimidated into voting for someone in particular. When no one knows who you voted for, they cant fire you or treat you poorly based on who you voted for, because they dont know who you voted for. Liberals fought back when they were forced to work for 12 hours a day and cut it down to 8 hours a day and 5 day a week. There were restrictions on immigration because they would take all of the American jobs and they were used to replace protesting workers. It was also because of racism.







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