All Posts (75055)
Monday- Continued to watch The Men Who Built America Part 3
Tuesday- Started back on our notes.
Granger Laws
- Series of state laws passed in several Midwestern states (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois) (Late 1860s and Early 1870s)
- Designed to fig
Monday-go over europe map. start presentations
aniaml abuse and dog fights-
animal abuse-
- active(physical)
- passive(neglect)
why should be be concerned
- physical(the dog looks bad)
- mental/emotional(th dog will act diffferently
- tell someone or get rid
Monday-go over europe map. start presentations
aniaml abuse and dog fights-
animal abuse-
- active(physical)
- passive(neglect)
why should be be concerned
- physical(the dog looks bad)
- mental/emotional(th dog will act diffferently
- tell someone or get rid
Monday, August 27
-Went over classroom rules
Tuesday, August 28
-Continents and oceans quiz tomorrow/wednesday
-20 forum post due between 8-27 to 9-23
Wednesday, August 29
-going over CWI intro quiz
-We did problems 1-9
Thursday, August 30
-California chan
Monday- Quickly discussed the new judge nominee's process over getting placed in but having trouble with alleged sexual assault. Then we discovered that we knew nothing in the yugoslavian part of the Europe map.
Lily and Maci- 2 types of animal abuse
- Pj day.
- Speak about Kavanaugh
- Go over Eruopean Map.
- Start Presenting.
- Soccer Mom vs Grill Dad
- Class Quiz
- Presentations.
- Mathlete vs Athlete
- Europe Map Test
- Surf and Turf / Red and Black.
- Watch video on Kav
9/24/18-We studied the map for the test coming up, went over some of the daily news, and started presenting our projects
Melania Trump
*She was a former fashion model and she modeled in Paris and Milan and then moved to New York
*She got married to Trum
August 27-31 : ;
September 3-7:
September 10-14: https://d
link to notes: