Week of 9/24-28

Monday- We finished Men who made America Ep 4 

Tuesday- Grange laws: series of state laws passed in several Midwester states-Iowa Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois in the late 1860's and 1870's 

Designed to fight against railroad abuse

Wanted railroads and grain elevators to charge fair prices 

Munn v Illinois-1877-Supreme Court Supported Farmers 

Wabash v Illinois-1886- Supreme Court Supported Railroads 

Interstate Commerce Act-1887- Allowed the U.S. Government to supervise railroads

required railroads to be "fair and just" 

Failed to help farmers at first 

Populist Movement-Omaha Platform-1890's 

Help Farmers out of debt because they made a big part of the party

Give people a greater voice in the government, which also meant women and help everyone make their vote count 

Increase money in circulation- when U.S. had a gold standard, there could only be so much money, because there was only so much gold. 

William Jennings Bryan-Cross of Gold speach, where he talked about how the gold standard was killing the little man and we needed bimetalism. 


Thursday-  Populist Party:

Help Farmers out of Debt

Give people a greater voice in government

Increase money supply in circulation(Silverites)

Graduated income tax(Tax is higher the more you make) 

Direct Selection of Senators- where the state chooses their own senators, rather than the whole populace 

Single Terms for President/Vice President- Wanted it to be that a president couldn't serve as long as he wanted 

Secret Ballot- Made it so you couldn't be forced to vote for a certain candidate as others would never know who you voted for unless you told. 

8 hour work day- So people wouldn't be overworked, and they only had to work five days a week for 40 hours overall. 

Restrictions of Immigration- to Stop people from lowering wages through not joining labor unions, and strikeout could not happen. 




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