9-24 to 9-28

24th - We contined to watch the entrepreneur video.

25th - We reviewed 5.1 and 5.2 and did a post-video paper.

5.3 - The Grange was an organization that fought the railroads, they made events for farmers to have more fun, and elected officals to congress. the Interstante Commerce Act of 1887 required the railroad rates to be fair and just. The government could now supervise the railraods. The Populist Movement of the Omaha Platform in the 1890s helped farmers in several ways (8 hour work day, secret ballot, single term for president, direct elections of senator, graduated income tax, increase money in circulation, give people power, take farmers out of debt, and restrictions on immigration). If farmers are doing poorly the country will do poorly. Farmers wanted money to be backed by silver to increase the flow of money, but the gold silver won. 

26th - No school

27th - We contined to watch the entrepreneur video and go over answers to video sheet.

28th - Class did not meet due to homecoming.

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