
Monday - 


Gods were overall leaders (made rules)

Pharaohs were believed to be like human gods

Traded lots of stuf

Can not change your scoial class

Age of the pyramids, Central government, Preist hood


Nile River importance (The Gift of the Nile/ they wanted it to flood at times, they could predict it though)

Narmer (Menes) United the upper and lower kingdom

Old, Middle, New


Mumified them

Tuesday - 

 middle kingdom (got more land) (fall of the middle kingdom was because of the Hyksos)

New kingdom (got more land)

King Tut (pharo at ten years old) (found his tomb intact)

Ramses the second (the greatest of the pharo)

papyrus (paper)


Shang Dynasty

came to power in 1600 BCE


Laws (can't decide religion, no freedom of speech, devotion to children, harsh punishments)

Ended 1050 BCE (Invaded by Zhou state, king wu)


Wednesday - 

 No School

Thursday - 

Shang Dynast Continued

Geography - North East China, Yellow river valley, plains, easy to invade them

Climate - Monsoon climate (when they get a lot of rain during that season)


Gender Roles - men did almost everything, women really just gave children (only wanted boys)

Education - was highly valued, men were really the only ones that god education

Entertainment - pottery, farming, fishing

Religion - believed in after life, valued the family, polytheism

First true civilization of china

Invented writing


Mostly farmers


Mandate From Heaven - They thought that heaven grated the emperors the right to rule

yellow river and the Yangzi river

Friday - 


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