

Iowa’s senators

  • Chuck Grassley – Republican
  • Joni Ernst – Republican

Women’s role in progressive Era

  • May more women were getting an education
  • Many became teachers
  • Help push for the passing of the 18th and 19th amendments to the US Constitution
    • Prohibition
    • Women’s suffrage

1848 – Seneca fall declaration: women push for

  1. Abolition of slavery (13th amendment – 1865)
  2. Temperance (18th amendment – 1920)
  3. Women’s suffrage (19th amendment – 1920)
  4. Child labor laws

Theodore Roosevelt

  • Wife died
  • Left his daughter behind, moved west in Dakota and became a cowboy
  • Fancy dresser
  • Historian
  • Police chief commissioner
  • Naval secretary
  • Rough rider
  • Governor of New York
  • Vice president
  • President
  • Peacemaker – won Nobel prize
  • Mighty hunter of all the time

TR was the “trustbuster”

“Good Trusts” vs “bad trusts”

Theodore Roosevelt was a big conservationist

Conservation – planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others

  • set aside 148 million acres of forest reserves
  • 5 million acres of water-power sites
  • 50 wildlife sanctuaries and several national parks

William Howard Taft – Not beloved by the progressives

  • Taft never really felt like he was the president; always in Roosevelt’s shadow

African-Americans  were for the most part ignored by Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson and the progressive movement


key terms

  • Diplomacy
    • How we officially deal with other countries. How to solve problems to avoid war
  • Imperialism
    • Taking over land
  • Militarism
    • Build up your military. Be stronger and ready to use
  • Nationalism
    • Strong belief in your country – extremely patriotic – usually doesn’t end well
    • Adolf Hitler – German nationalist
  • Sphere of influence
    • Don’t go in and take over, but have a lot of control and influence in another country
  • Protectorate
    • State that is controlled and protected by another
  • Arbitration
    • Use of arbitrator to settle a dispute
    • Both must agree
    • Arbitrator listens to both sides and is solved by a third party

 Old diplomacy

  1. Noninterventionist
    1. The US did not intervene in foreign affairs, especially Europe’s
  2. Isolationist
    1. The US acted alone in foreign affairs as compared to working with other nations
  3. Passive and reactive
    1. The US waited for events to occur and then acted accordingly
  4. Weak army and navy

New Diplomacy

  1. Imperialistic
    1. Going out and conquering territory to create an empire
    2. Alfred Mahan, Henry Cabot Lodge, Teddy Roosevelt
  2. Strong army and navy – Militarism
  3. Interventionist – especially in Central and South America
    1. Becoming more involved in other countries affairs
    2. Monroe Doctrine (1823) –Warning Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere.
  4. Strong nationalism
    1. Having strong pride and confidence in one’s country

Captain Alfred Mahan – wrote the book “The Influence of Sea Power upon history ” – saying must have a good navy to be a strong power. Big influence on the US and other countries. US Naval officer

Wednesday - talked about the election 

Thursday : 

We have troops in :

  1. Japan
  2. Germany
  3. South Korea
  4. Italy
  5. Afghanistan
  6. United Kingdom
  7. Kuwait
  8. Iraq
  9. Bahrain
  10. Guam
  11. Spain
  12. Qatar
  13. Turkey
  14. Djibouti
  15. Jordan
  16. United Arab Emirates
  17. Belgium
  18. Cuba
  19. Romania
  20. Greece

Why are US troops stationed all around the world?

  • The impact of WWII and the Cold War – Korean War, Vietnam War, War on Terror

President Trump

  • The US will be focused on “making America great again”
  • Generally, believes that the US need to lessen how much money we spend protecting other countries. Those countries need to pay us more money for the protection
  • Other countries in the United Nations need to step up and pay more for the UN

Ch. 10.1 imperialism and America

  • Imperialism became very common with the major powers od the world.
  • Which countries were the most powerful in 1900?
    • Great Britain
    • Germany
    • France
    • Austria – Hungary
    • Italy
    • Russia
    • United states
    • Ottoman empire (turkey)
    • Japan


Latin America – 1800 – most countries were independent by 1830

Why did the US and other countries look to imperialism?

  • The Western Frontier was settled – 1890
  • Brings military power and prestige to your country
  • Naval bases and refueling stations
  • $$$ - for natural resources as well as opening new markets to sell your goods (trade)
  • Belief in cultural superiority – White Man’s Burden
    • McKinley: “To talk them all and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them.”
    • Taft: We must help out “our little brown brothers” on the Philippines

Started working on prjoect 

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