Limiting Working Hours
- 10 hour work day for men and women
- Workers' compensation
- Damily members hurt or killed
We reviewed some information
Joni Ernst and Charles Grassley are Iowa Senators
Women were second class citizens
Women's Role in Progressive Era
- Many got an education
- Many were teachers
- Pushed for the 18th and 19th Amendments
- Prohibition
- Women's Suffrage
Seneca Falls Declaration (1848)
- Plea for the end of discrimination against women in society
- Right to vote
- Women in the mid-late 1800’s and early 1900’s pushed for four things:
- Abolition of slavery(13th Amendment-1865)
- Temperance(18th Amendment-1920)
- Women’s suffrage(19th Amendment-1920)
- Child Labor laws
Teddy Rosevelt-
- Cowboy
- His wife died during childbirth
- Historian
- Wrote history books
- Police Chief
- Assistant Naval Secretary
- War
- Rough Rider
- Troops on horses
- Govoner of New York
- Pushed him to VP
- Vice President
- President was killed
- President
- Ended a war
- Peacemaker
- Won a Nobel Peace Prize
- Mighty Hunter all the time
- Rhinos
- Africa- Elephant
- Teddy Bear
- Named after him
- Invited to hunt in Mississippi
- Black Bears
- Baby bear was tied to a tree
- He refused
- Mount Rushmore
- "Trustbuster"
- Broke up monopolies
- "Good Trust" vs "Bad Trust"
- Break up bad trust
- Hold on to good trust (Keep on leash)
- Set aside 148 million acres of forest reserves
- 1.5 million acres of water-power sites
1912 Presidential Election
- Democrats Won- (Wilson)
- Rosovelt and Taft were split
Progressives were not big on African Americans.
Largest Empires in History
We talked about the election and which states gerrymandering. We also talked about Trump and his view on the election.
Key Terms:
- Diplomacy- Managing international relationships
- Imperialism- Extending a countries power through diplomacy or military
- Militarism-Building up military
- Nationalism- Very supportive of your country (Seen as negative)
- Sphere of influence A country where another country has a lot of influence
- Protectorate- A state that is controlled and protected by another
- Arbitration- Way to peacefully settle a dispute by a third party
Old Diplomacy:
- Noninterventionist
- the US did not interve in foreign affairs
- Avoid getting involved in wars
- the US did not interve in foreign affairs
- Isolationionist
- the US acted alone in foreign affairs as compared to working with other nations
- Passive and Reactive
- the US waited for events to accur and then acted accordingly
- Did this affect us?
- the US waited for events to accur and then acted accordingly
- Weak Army and Navy
New Dipomacy:
- Imperoalistic
- Going out and conquering territory to create empires
- Strong Army and Navy- Militarism
- Interventionist- especially in Central and South America
- Becoming more involved in other countries affairs
- Monroe Doctorine (1823)
- Warned Europe to avoid Western Hemosphere
- Strong Nationalism
- Having strong pride and confidence in one's country
Captain Alfred Mahan:
- US Naval Officer
- Wrote Book
- The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
- Implied that you needed a strong Navy
- Many countries built a storng Navy
We talked about US Presence in the World Today.
Wednesday- We talked about the election
Thursday- I was at the Ortho, so I copied Tyann's notes.
Continued with Chapter 10 PowerPoint
Reveiwed over what Bruns talked about on Tuesday. Old Diplomacy and New Diplomacy.
Captain Alfred Mahan (The Influence of Sea Power Upon HIstory) (Have to have a strong Navy)
US Presence In The World Today
- Troops all around the world and in a lot of countries
- Japan
- Germany
- South Korea
- Italy
- Afghanistan
- United Kingdom
- Kuwait
- Iraq
- Spain
- Turkey
- Jordan
Why are US troops stationed all around the world?
- The impact of WW2 (We can not go back to Isolation again)
- Cold War - Korean War (Struggle between the US and the Soviet Union) (Democracy or Freedom) (Stopped Communisum
- War on Terror (In ountries trying to stop Terrorist)
President Trump
- The US will be focused on "Making American Great Again"
- Generallt believes that the US need to lesses how much money we spend protecting other countries.
- Those countries need to pay us more mony for thr protection
- Other countries in the UNited Nations need to step up and help pay.
Imperialism and America
- Imperialism becam very common with the major powers of the world
Most Powerful
- Great Britain
- Germany
- France
- Austria-Hungary
- Italy
- Russia
- United Stated
- Ottoman Empire - (Turkey)
- Japan
Why did the US and other countries look to imperialism?
- The western frontier was settled- 1890
- Brings military power and prestige to your country
- Naval bases and refueling stations
- $$$- Natural rescrouces and new markets
- Belief in cultural superiority- White Man's Burden
- Something white men had to do
- Help the darker skinned men
He talked about the project.