November 5 to 11-9

Monday - Continued on the Chapter 9 PowerPoint 


- Social or Economic system
- Property and distribution of wealth are determined by the government
- Government owns and controls business’
- Elimination of private property, everyone is equal
- Karl Marx →
Leading figure
Father of Communism

Reforming Elections

- States adopt secret ballot
- Direct Primary
- Initiative-a bill originated by the people rather than lawmakers
- Referendum- when voters accept or reject the initiative (bill)
- Recall- enabled voters to remove public officials from elected positions
- 17th and 19th Amendments

Charles Grassley- Republican 

Joni Ernst- Republican 

Women’s Role in Progressive Era

- Many more women were getting an education
- Many became teachers
- Help push for the passing of the 18th and 19th Amendments to the US Constitution
-Women’s Suffrage


The Push for Equality

- 1848-Seneca Falls Declaration: Plea for the end of discrimination against women in all spheres of society, including the right to vote
- Women in the mid-late 1800’s and early 1900’s pushed for four things:
1. Abolition of slavery(13th Amendment-1865)
2. Temperance(18th Amendment-1920)
3. Women’s suffrage(19th Amendment-1920)
4, Child Labor laws


Teddy Roosevelt-TR

- Born into a wealthy family-1858
- Had asthma as a child-sickly
- As a teen became a marksmen and learned to ride horses
- Went to Harvard
- Boxed and wrestled at Harvard
- Served in the New York State Assembly from 1882-1884
- Served as US Civil Service Commissioner from 1889-1895
- Commissioner of the New York City Police from 1895-1897
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy from 1897-1898
- Fought in the Spanish-American War in 1898 as leader of the “Rough Riders”

- Governor of New York 1898-1900
- Vice-President of the US in 1901
- Served as President from 1901-1909
- Wrote many history books
- Owned and ran a ranch in the Dakota Territory
- Avid hunter-African Safaris

- TR was the “trustbuster”
- “good trusts” vs “bad trusts”
- Helped settle the 1902 Coal strike in which miners got better pay and a nine hour workday
- Passed the Elkins Act(1903-no rebates) and Hepburn Act(1906-ICC set max RR rates) which required railroads to be fair and just in their prices and practices

- Passed the Meat Inspection Act-1906
- Passed the Pure Food and Drug Act-1906
- Newlands Act-1902-sold western land and made dams which allowed for irrigation
- Conservation
- Did not do much for African-Americans

Conservation Measures

- Roosevelt condemned view that our “resources were endless”
- T.R. set aside 148 million acres of forest reserves
- 1.5 million acres of water-power sites
- Established 50 wildlife sanctuaries and several national parks
- Conservation- planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others

William Howard Taft

- Born September 15, 1857 in Cincinnati, OH
- Attended Yale College: New Haven, CT
- Lawyer then Secretary of War
- Never aimed at being president
- After his presidency he was a Professor at Yale Law School
- 1921, became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which was his career goal
- Only president to ever serve as Chief Justice
- Only president to hold public office after leaving the White House

Taft’s Accomplishments

- Passed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff which reduced tariffs
- Used Dollar Diplomacy when dealing with other countries-US would use the military and diplomacy to help promote U.S. business interests overseas.
- Broke up many trusts including the Standard Oil Company in 1911
- 16th Amendment Passed

Wilson’s Accomplishments

  • Passed Clayton Anti-Trust Act(1914)
    • Could break up monopolies

-Labor Unions were given the right to exist

-Strikes, boycotts, picketing etc. became legal

  • Federal Trade Commission was established in 1914
    • Investigated companies for monopolistic practices

Federal Reserve System

- Controls the U.S. money supply and the availability of credit in the country
- One of President Wilson’s most enduring achievements
- We use this same system today as the basis of the nation’s banking system

- 17th, 18th and 19th Amendments were passed during his term
       - Direct election of senators(1913)
       - Prohibition(1919)
       - Women’s Vote(1920)

*Keating Owen Act-First federal act fighting child labor

*Adamson Act-Set up an 8 hour workday

*African-Americans were for the most part ignored by Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson and the Progressive Movement

*Wilson reinstated segregation in Washington D.C. and also started segregation in the US military.

Tuesday - Chapter 10 PowerPoint 

- Diplomacy (Managing International Relations)

 - Imperialism (Extending countrry's power and influence through diplomacy)

- Militarism (Building up military, relying on the military to make others back down) 

- Notionalism (Patriotic feeling,strong pride in your country (to an extreme) want to Make America Great Again- Donald Trump)

- Sphere of Influence ( A country/ area which has powers to affect developments although has no formal authority ) 

- Protectorate (State that is controlled and protected by another) 

Arbitration (Way to peacfully settle a dispute by a third party) 


Old Diplomacy (Policy of Isolation) 

  • 1. Noninterventionist
  • - the US did not intervene in foreign affairs, especially Europe’s
  • 2. Isolationist
  • - the US acted alone in foreign affairs as compared to working with other nations
  • 3. Passive and reactive
  • - the US waited for events to occur and then acted accordingly
  • 4. Weak army and navy

New Diplomacy 

  • 1. Imperialistic
  • - Going out and conquering territory to create an empire
  • - Alfred Mahan, Henry Cabot Lodge, Teddy   Roosevelt
  • 2. Strong army and navy-Militarism
  • 3. Interventionist – especially in Central and South America
  • - Becoming more involved in other countries affairs
  • - Monroe Doctrine(1823) (Warning Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere) 
  • 4. Strong nationalism
  • - having strong pride and confidence in one’s country

Wednesday - We talked about the election.


Thursday - Continued with Chapter 10 PowerPoint 

Reveiwed over what Bruns talked about on Tuesday. Old Diplomacy and New Diplomacy.

Captain Alfred Mahan (The Influence of Sea Power Upon HIstory) (Have to have a strong Navy) 

US Presence In The World Today

- Troops all around the world and in a lot of countries 

- 1. Japan 

- 2. Germany 

- 3. South Korea 

- 4. Italy 

- 5. Afghanistan 

- 6. United Kingdom

- 7. Kuwait 

-8. Iraq

- 11. Spain

- 13. Turkey 

-15. Jordan

Why are US troops stationed all around the world? 

- The impact of WW2 (We can not go back to Isolation again) 

- Cold War - Korean War (Struggle between the US and the Soviet Union) (Democracy or Freedom) (Stopped Communisum 

- War on Terror (In ountries trying to stop Terrorist)

President Trump 

- The US will be focused on "Making American Great Again"

- Generallt believes that the US need to lesses how much money we spend protecting other countries.

- Those countries need to pay us more mony for thr protection

- Other countries in the UNited Nations need to step up and  help pay. 

Imperialism and America

- Imperialism becam very common with the major powers of the world

Most Powerful 

- Great Britain 

- Germany 

- France

- Austria-Hungary 

- Italy 

- Russia 

- United Stated 

- Ottoman Empire - (Turkey)

- Japan 


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