Monday - sick
tuesday - sick
Wendsday -
17th amendement:
- the senate of the united states will be made up of two senators from each states
Federal farm loan act:
- created 12 federal land banks and the farm credit system
- made it better for them so they could afford small mechines
16th amendement:
- States that the government has power to lay and collect taxs on incomes
- impacts everyone working
Recall Election:
- Used to remove an elected official from office befor the end of the officials term by petitions
- the people can replace the elected official from office or replace him and her
pure foof and drug act:
- it prohibited iknterstate transport of contaminated, poisonous, or misbranded food
Federal trade commision act:
- it outlawed unfair business practices with commerce and competition
Man elkins act:
- it extended the 1887 interstate commerce act and authority of the interstate commerc commission to set railroad rates and regulate
- it impacted the icc by providing a new and significant costs for the railroad industry
Federal Reserves Act:
- it gave the ability to print money and ensure eonomic stability to the 12 federal reserves
- it was a bank for a bank
Direct primary:
- voters themselves had the power to choose which political candidates would run for office
The Meat inspection Act:
- it insured that meat was slaughtered, processed, and prepared under sanitary condidtions. it also prevented the sale of misbranded livestock.all livestock has to be inspected befor and after they sell it
Supreme court act - Muller vs Oregon:
- it had limited women to 10 - hour workday
Hepburn Act:
- the hepburn act gave interstate commerce commission the ability to set federal regulations of railroadsm, meaning free passes were no longer allowedon railroads
19th Amendment:
- It had given the right to vote
- Set up settlement houses for thepoor
- opened libraries
- sponsored education classes
- opened swimming pools
- set up soup kitchen
- slum brigades - teach immigrants
Promoting moral improvement:
- prohibition
- carrie nation
- she would push to ban alcohol
- Womens Suffrage
- property and distribution of wealth are determined by the government
- elimitination of private property, everone is equal
- government owns and controls business