November 5th-9th

Monday-start to go over Canada map. Go over third parties. the big current event is that people need to get out and vote tommorrow.

Tuesday-go over canada map. voting day. Political systems project. Anarchy and mixed economy. 

Wednesday-go over canada map.Election results. Democrats did well over all but in the rural areas Republicans did really good. White people make up about 60% of the U.S. population. African Americans say it is harder to vote than it is for white people. Religion is very important to Republicans. 

Thursday-go over Canada map. 11 innocent people killed along with the suspect and an officer. Gun control laws are going to want to be pushed. boy scouts vs girl scouts debate for the class.

Friday-go over Canada map. Muellers investigating if Russia had anything to do with Donald Trump in the 2016 elections. Michelle Obama is coming out with a new book. 69 year old man identifies as a 49 year old. work on project and presentations start on Wednesday

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