12-3 12-7

 launched grenades or small bombs short distances. Since most focus had been on long-range artillery, mortars had fallen out of favour.they could be fired from the safety of a trench,Mortars were often used to target machine-gun nests, sniper positions or smaller defensive positions.


Causes of WWI




Economic competition Great Britain, France and Germany (among others) were competing worldwide for colonies, natural resources, markets, money, and power

System of Alliances

Leading Outbreak of WWI

Assassination of ArchDuke Ferdinand

Austria-Hungary sends ultimatum to Serbia

Serbia Refuses


Leading Outbreak of WWI

Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia after Germany gives them carte blanche

Russia mobilizes to support Serbia

Germany declares war on Russia

. Hoped to knock Russia out quickly to avoid a two-front war? Why?

France enters war to help Russia

Great Britain enters war to help France after Germany attacks France through neutral Belgium

Causes for US getting involved

. German sinking of British/French ships and killing U.S. citizens on those ships

President Wilson gave an Ultimatum to Germany risk war or stop sinking ships


Treaty of Versailles

The treaty that ended the war with Germany

Land that was taken away from Germany -

Alsace-Lorraine - given to France

Eupen and Malmedy - given to Belgium

Northern Schleswig - given to Denmark

Hultschin - given to czechoslovakia

West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia - given to Poland


Germany’s army was reduced to 100,000 men; the army was not allowed tanks

Germany was not allowed an air force

Germany was allowed only 6 capital naval ships and no submarines

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