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NOTES for U.S History
Monday: went over forum post stories and requirements,
WW1 in 5 mins: it was called the great war-spanned the world, lates 1800-imperialism, major countries takin over other colonies, militarism-building up militaries, nationalism-countries thought th
Weekly Blogs and Notes
12/17- finished notes
- The Warrior's Role in a Feudal Society
- Europe was a battleground of noles who wanted power
- Roles of Knight
- Defended territories
- Service for land
- Was only held for 40 days combat a year
- In time off, trained for war by wrestling and hunt ;
M O N D A Y -
Reviewed the test and study
T U E S D A Y -
Personal review day
Chivalry (Fair Play - never attack an unarmed person, never charge an unhorsed opponent) Nobility - Self dicipline, show respect for authority (Valor , honor, courtesy, loyalty
Knights (training would start at age 7, at age 14 you became a squire, at
Monday- went over maps, and talked about how we are doing semester tests
Tuesday- was absent
Wednesday- no semester tests for cwi
Thursday- cwi test for cwi
FRiday- Christmas break!!
12/17/18-Today we talked about how we are going to do our semester test, went over the map and the current news
12/18/18-Today we did the South America map test
12/19/18-First Half of Semester Tests
12/20/18-Second Half of Semester Tests
12/21/18-Make up
- Roman Religion
- Government and religion were linked
- Many of the gods came from some aspect of the Greek Gods
- Had many gods
- The Rise of Christianity
- Roman gods were very impersonal and was practiced with very little emotion
- Rome took over the Jewish land of