Feb 4-8

Monday: forum posts/blogs due, EC, test format, 1930's-Causes of Great Depression: (Hoover villas-bad parts of area people really poor), Stock Market Crash, Bank failures, reduction of purchases, American economic policy with Europe, drought conditions,(Deflation's Downward Spiral: people weren't buying a lot because they were in debt, companies weren't making money, people laid off, nobody buys anything), Bank Failures-over 9,000 banks, because the stock market crash, bank deposits were uninsured, some stopped giving out loans (F.D.R. closed banks-first move), reduction of purchases-couldn't afford to purchase things, economy declined more, workers were laid off, (deflation: prices of products go down/not enough money in our system), businesses started to fail-gov created the Smoot-Hawley tariff to protect American companies-tariff charged a high tax for imports and led to less trade between America and world countries, Drought conditions: one of worst drought in history, hard to grow crops/also insect problem, lead to Dust Bowl-really high winds, the top silt was picked up and flung around, soil became sand like

Causes(Bruns): Overproduction of goods, underconsumption of goods by consumers, an agricultural slump in the 1920s due to overproduction, high protective tariff policies of the 1920s, Taxes benefiting the rich-Trickle Down, Stock market crash, banks closing (Banks took your money and invested in the stock market)

Tuesday: forum posts, worksheets,  black history month-movie summary, document summary, 1930's Impact the Great Depression had on People and Our Country- Hoovervilles: named towns after Hoover, lil towns built by homeless, People LIves: many malnourished, hundreds of soup kitchens, families looked towards gov for help, minorities were hired last and fired first, 25 percent unemployed for white, 40 percent for African Americans, children sent to orphanages, Jobs and Suicide Rates: income dropped a lot, wages dropped nearly 42 percent, kids left home for work, teenagers dropped out of school for work, suicide rate rose from 14 percent to 17 percent,(Shared Time: u would work four hours a day and then another person worked four hours a day/split work/at least we're giving you some work), Crime Rates: stole more things, homicide(killing) mortality rate hit a high of 9.7 percent out of every 100,000 people, migration was huge, 1/3 of farmers lost their land-ended up being tenant (rents land) farmer

Wednesday: 1930's-Hoover's Presidency, 31st President, born in August, elected 1928, from West Branch, IA- poor, believed in Lassiz-Faire, Rugged Individualism, encouraged volunteerism, too slow to act on important issues, thought it would fix itself, Acts " Smoot Hawley act-raised taxes on imported goods, countries stopped buying from us, Reconstruction Finance Corporation RFC 1932- provided loans for banks, railroads, etc, failed to re-establish their companies/a lil more successful organization-supposed to build there company and hire more people, Glass Steagall Act 1932(started under Hoover, passed by FDR)-easier to obtain commercial credit, more business loans, Emergy Relief and Construction Act-provided funds to the RFC, loans to relief to states, helped reconstruct

Elections: Franklin Roosevelt elected 4 terms in a row, Democratic, 1932 won, New Deal: recovery from great depression VS Herber Hoover-republican-restrict trade, increase taxes for wealthy (Norman Thomas-Socialist, Wiliam Z. Foster-Communist, William D Upshaw-Prohibition, William H. Harvey-LIberty, Vernie L. Reynolds-Socialist Labor) 1936 Election-FDR democratic won, expanded on New Deal VS Alfred M. Landon-Republican, new deal is a waste of money/unfriendly towards businesses(not really a platform/what change would they do?)(other candidate-William Lemke unions, Norman Thomas socialists, Earl Browder communists, David Leigh Colvin prohibition)

Thursday: 2-hour late start, Entertainment- Sports: baseball, basketball, boxing(huge), football (slowly died out) (Title 9: early 1970's started making girls more active in sports), girls didn't play a lot of sports, games: monopoly, scrabble, kids usually made up own games,  card games, most people didn't have tv's, record player, puzzles, Olly Olly Oxen free, Red rover, hide n seek, cowboys and Indians

Friday: 2-hour late start, Bonus Army: Washinton D.C., July 28, 1932, marchers made up of 43,000 people. at least over 17,000 veterans and 26,000 others, another name for bonus army-bonus marchers, leader Walter W. Waters, a former sergeant, Herbert Hoover, west branch Iowa native, "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away."-MacArthur


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