1-7 to 1-11
Mr burns went over 1920s and 1930s project are project 1930s
1920s prohibition and gangsters, women's rights, politics elections presidents backgrounds and accomplishments, entertainment sports games music dancing radio movies fads food, economy booming and stock market, kkk, strikes, model t ford, electrivity in the homes
Causes of the great depression, impact the depression had on people and are country, 1932 1936 elections
Thursday we took a quiz over are assigned timeline
communism - everything is owned by the people and everyone is equal no private property, afraid of losing the right to own land practice religion and speak/act as they wish
What was the red scare
How did the russian revolution and anarchist bombings
What is communism and why were americans afraid of it
What role did the fear or communism play
Red scare fear of bolshevism,anarchism,immigrants to us,communism in the us
Causes of the first red scare, ww1 nationalism anti immigration bolshevik revolution in russia labor strikes fear of radical revolution anarchist threats mailing bombs
Nicola sacco and bartolomeo vanzetti, italian immigrants and anarchists, aftermath of verdict sacco and vanzetti found guilty protests against verdict, conviction due to radical anarchist beliefs new evidence evidence of gang involvement 1925 celestino madeiros admits involvement presiding judge refused to reopen care 1927 sacco and vanzetti put to death palmer raids conducted by us department of justice,meant to arrest anarchists/communists
Immigration act of 1924 aka johnson reed act limited the number of immigrants allowed into the us 2% of each nationality were granted visas
U.S steel trike sept 21 1919 around 350,000 workers total of 4 million workers strike 1919 higher pay better hours lever act 1 dollar a day reduced 8 hour work day coal miner strike
400,000 coal workers walked out higher wage better hours 14%raise less than wanted
Ku klux klan attacked roman catholics,jews foreigners and organized labor
Automobile industry ford general motor chrysler ford model A 1903 two cylinder,model N 1906 four cylinder, model t 1908, model A 1927
Electricity in homes, 1920 35% of homes had electricity 1922 3% of 6.3 million Americans farms had electricity 1929 68%of homes had electricity
How was the economy booming buying in credit, stock market trading, unemployment rate 1920 5.2% 1928 4.2% total economic growth 42% world output 50% average income increase $6,460 to $8,016
Women's rights
Women's rights to vote 1920s various reform groups grew across the U.S deserved their own political identities 1869 stanton and anthony formed national woman suffrage association
August 26,1920 19th amendment 8 million woman voted
Jobs during the 1920s 10% of married woman single woman jobs
Teachers,social workers,nurses,Librarians,corporate office department stores
Jobs after the 1920s increased by 20% for woman
1-21to1-25 Lindbergh famous first person to fly across the atlantic ocean, flew from new york to paris, flight lasted 33 and ½ hours, music and dancing shimmy dance, charleston dance flappers woman, Movies, horror, comedy, mystery, radio sound factory 60% of Americans purchased radios during the 1920s by 1922 600 radio stations were scattered across the U.S
What was on the radio music,sports games, American mahjong, billy whiskers, marseilles chess ouija, marbles, jacks food babe ruth candy bar, wonder bread kool-aid reeses wheaties peter pan eauter butter party food baked ham-turkey cold fried chicken sports boxing,baseball, boxing,tennis,swimming famous athletes joe lewis, george herman
Politics-elections presidential election of 1920
1-28 to 2-1 Hoovers background born august 10, 1874 in west branch iowa
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