Europa is the name of one of Jupiter’s many frosty moons. The Europa Clipper is a spacecraft that NASA is working on in hopes of gaining new information about Europa’s surface and atmospheric chemistry. The spacecraft is being worked on and is scheduled for takeoff on October 10th, 2024. Scientists are almost 100% positive that there is water underneath the huge sheet of ice that covers the entirety of Europa. One of the main goals of the spacecraft is to collect data pertaining to whether or not Europa is able to sustain life. The clipper will collect data and send it back to Earth for scientists to determine if this moon holds the keys to support life.
The Europa Clipper will take off and reach Jupiter in the year 2030 (it takes such a long time because Jupiter is 372.85 million miles away from Earth). The spacecraft will enter orbit around Jupiter and do approximately 50 fly-bys of Europa–changing position slightly each time–and getting almost a full scan of Europa. As previously stated, NASA is mainly looking for the elements necessary to sustain life. Scientists hope that the information gathered will help in future missions. For example, if life is able to survive on Europa, then NASA might want to take trips and gather information from planets and moons similar to Europa.
Another goal of the Europa expedition is to measure the salinity (chemical makeup) of the water on its surface. If the salinity is just right, there is a possibility that there is life under the surface of the ice. If there is life–such as bacteria and small organisms–under the layer of ice, then scientists will be able to study the life and learn how they function. Then again, all this is hypothetical and we don’t know if Europa is even suitable for life to exist.
I think that the Europa Clipper is a great way for scientists to gather new information and learn more about how different life forms potentially work. This expedition will help set the tone for how similar missions in the future will go. I’m very excited to see what they find up there.
What do you think the outcome of the mission will be?
Do you think this mission is necessary? Why or why not?
What do you think is under the ice?
Good topic choice and super job! Sciency topics will never get the comments but I really appreciate you doing this topic.
I personally think that there is a chance that they could find something underneath of the ice, but it won't be any new crazy discovery in my opnion. I do not think the mission is necessary, but it is very intriguing to figure out what is truly under it. I think underneath of the ice is something that is already living on land.
I think that they could possibly find something under the ice, but if they do find something it probably won't be much different than things that are living on earth. I don't think that the mission is necessary but it could be helpful to figure out if there is something that we don't know about, in space.
I was thinking the same thing about the life they might find. If they do find something, I don't think it will be much different either.
I think it is very interesting since the closest exoplanet like Earth is Proxima Centauri b which is 4.24 lightyears away. So if there is possible life within our solar system, it could help show that there could be more life on moons within our system and expand our knowlage on how life works in the begining stages.
I also think that it would be really cool if there was life found on Europa! I also agree that if life is found, then we could start exploring other planets similar to it.
I think this trip could be benifical however, I dont think anything big or life chnaging will be found if even anything. I do think it is important to go up and explore space so we have a better understanding of what is going on down here I just dont think its going to be huge since the outcome of finding something is slim.
I was thinking the same thing. Scientists don't know if there even is anything up there, so the chances of finding something groundbreaking is slim to none.
I think this trip would be something cool but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't find anything. I think exploring space is very important because it helps us understand the universe we live in, but I don't think anything drastic or life changing will be discovered.
I agree that whatever they find could be amazing or nothing. I know they probably won't find much, but we won't know until the spacecraft gets there.