Benazir Bhutto was a politician from Pakistan that led the Pakistan People’s Party which is abbreviated the PPP. Bhutto became the first woman ever to be elected Prime Minister, in a Muslim State. This was a big deal because women are considered inferior to men in their society. She was elected to two terms as Prime Minister. Her first term was from 1988-1990, while her second term was from 1993-1996. After being removed from office she went into self imposed exile, but returned to Pakistan in 2007 and was again running for political office. So far she was the first and only female Prime Minister to lead Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto was also married to Pakistan’s current president Asif Ali Zardari before she was assassinated.
Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on December 27, 2007. Bhutto was killed after giving a speech to her party supporters. The speech was given at Liaquat National Bagh and was a rally for the PPP for before the January 2008 Parliamentary elections. After the speech was given, Bhutto entered her bulletproof car, but made a fatal mistake by standing up out of her sunroof to wave to the crowds of supporters. When she rose up out of the car, a gunmen fired three shots at her, and explosives were detonated that killed 20 other people.Bhutto was critically injured, and rushed to Rawalpindi General Hospital. When they arrived at the hospital she was rushed into surgery at 17:35 local time, but was later pronounced dead at 18:16 local time. Bhutto was buried next to her father, who was also a Prime Minister. It is still today unclear of the positive cause of death because her family refused to let an autopsy be done.I think that Bhutto was a courageous woman because she ran for Prime Minister in a Muslim State, which used to be unheard of. In my opinion, she was a role model for many young women in Pakistan for her courage. I think that she genuinely cared for the people that followed her party because she was putting herself in harm’s way when she was shot. In my opinion there should have been an autopsy just to confirm how such a great woman died. She was truly a hero in Pakistan.