..In 2004, reports of abuse held at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were released. These types of abuse included physical, psychological, and sexual abuse like torture, rape, homicide and other terrible things. The US army people also used dogs to scare and bite the prisoners. The abuse allegations were against the 372nd Military Police Company. They are part of the US army. I am disgusted that people would torcher prisoners. No matter how much wrong that person did, no one deserves torcher...Manadel al-Jamadi was a prisoner that died from torcher. He was tortured by a CIA officer and a private contractor. They tied his hands behind his back and hung him from his wrists. That dislocates your arms and weights are sometimes added to make it hurt worse. That is so sick that people from our own country would do that. Rape was used as a form of torture also. At least 28 other prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison were tortured to death...The torture was used to try and get information from the prisoners. It was also supposedly used to punish them for the crrimes they committed. That is so wrong. Being in prison is torture enough. That portion of the US army is a disgrace to our country. Their death certificates were forged saying they died "in sleep" or "of natural causes...Both 60 Minutes and The New Yorker covered this story. In 2004 Taguba Report said that The United States Army Criminal Investigation Command was investigating the crime. The report said that the investigation had been in progress since 2003 when the 320th Military Police Battalion had been charged with prisoner abuse...I can't believe that prisoner abuse has been goin on. It makes it worse that it was by United States citizens. I hope that this abuse has stopped and never happens again. Some of the soldiers were charged for it. Serves them right.