Posted by 2courtneyb on September 3, 2009 at 11:55am
Today in CWI, Mr. Bruns told us about the phrase "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me". He told us that according to a study that phrase is not true. Verbal abuse is worse, and it makes students in schools hard to concentrate and get their work done.Luke, Max, and Eli did a presentation on the theory of Communism. I learned that the Communism theory is a peaceful society where everyone is equal. The poor will rise up and everyone will be fair with money. Bri, Erin, and Jessica did their presentation on the practice of Communism. This means the government controls everything, so whatever you make they can take from you and share it equally with everyone, claiming it will help a higher social order. Only five countries in the world use the practice of Communism. Dru, Haley, and Jena did their presentation on Democracy. The two types are Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy. Direct means that people as a whole make decisions. Representative means that the people elect congress members to make laws for them. Our class almost finished with all of the presentations. We only have two left for tomorrow.