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Friday, September 11th, 2009

So today is 9/11 and all we really did in class was the spectrum test and web logging, because Mr. Bruns isn't here. So i guess i'm on the left upper side.Sub teacher talked about afganistan and how we're building up troops so al quida can't get in c
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Blog Summarization for Friday

We had Mr. Carson for a sub today in Current World Issues. Today in class it was work day. Iworked on my message board posts, and I got up to date on my reflective blogs. I also took thepolitical spectrum test, and I really am not sure why we had to
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Today, in class, we worked on taking the political spectrum test, which is asking multiple choice questions on your opinions on certain views. It then takes your answers, and decides whether you are liberal or conservative. It says I'm non-interventi
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9/11/09 :(

Today I took the political spectrum test thing. Half of it I had no idea what they were saying. I learned a few new words but forgot them instantly. I was kinda freaked out by Liz talking to and massaging her computer. I was a little concerned. I hop
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September 11. 2009

Today in Cwi we just worked on our blogs. The internet wouldn't work at first, but finally it works. Today was a research and writing day, so i cant get two paragraphs for today. Sorry Bruns!
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Spectrum test

My Political Views
I am a centrist social moderate
Right: 0, Authoritarian: 0
Political Spectrum Quiz
I am like right in the middle of both. It got me kinda confused. The questions were kinda stupid and i didnt know what some ment.I am i am a centrist so
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Obama Speech

On Tuesday morning President Obama made a speech to kids around the United States. The speech was stationed in Arlington, VA at Wakefield high school. He started his speech by telling a story about when he was younger and that his family lived out of
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Thursday 9-10-09

Today in U.S. History my class continued presenting our JFK Projects. The group that had conspiracy theories finished presenting today, and the group that talked about Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby also started today. Mr. Bruns also informed us tha
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Blog Summarization for Thursday

Today in Mr. Bruns class we took the states and capitals test over the United States. We didn’t really cover much today because of the test, and because the computers were so slow. At first I thought studying the states and capitals was kind of a pai
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President Obama's Speech to America's Students

President Barack Obama gave a speech to America's students on Tuesday the eighth. He started out saying that he wasn't that fond of school and didn't like homework and studying for tests when he was younger, which I think was a great thing to say, be
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September 10, 2009

Today in class we took the states and capitals test over the United States. We took it written this time but most of are test will be orally. I don't like orally cause if you screw up everyone knows plus it gives you time to think on your own if you
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Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Well there's really not that much to web log about today. All we really did was take the u.s. states and capitals test. Which i got a b on but oh well that's still a good grade. Mr. Vis came and got the cows and gave me an answer.. but i already knew
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September 10

Today in studyhall 1st period i learned that the test was today! OMG! Here's a list of the reactions i had."Oh crap"" I'm screwed"" I'm gonna die"" Jordan gimmie that pen"" Because I need to start writing on my arms"" Duh!!!""Maybe I should be sick t
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September 10, 2009

Today in CWI, we started off by taking the states and capital quizzes. I learned that I knew them better than I thought I did. I luckily got 100%, phew. :) We learned that we will not have to do a free choice blog after this week. Because of this, th
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Thursday, September 10

Today in U.S. History class we finished up our presentations on John F. Kennedy's assassination. I learned that president Lincoln was at Fork's Theater watching play when he got shot. He was with his wife and two other guest. Lincoln was shot in back
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September 10, 2009

In CWI today, we took our states and capitals tests. I did fairly well I guess. I think I like writing tests better than oral tests because you have more time to think and if you don't think of the answer right away, you can skip it and then come bac
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Well, no more free choice blogs. I don't know if that's good or bad, or what, but I don't really mind either way. Anyways, we talked a little bit at the beginning of class about stuff, same as every day starts. We had a couple minutes to cram studyin
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September 10, 2009

Today in CWI we started off by talking about how after this week we won't be doing a free choice blog anymore. I liked the free choice blog the best, but this will definatly free up some of my already packed weekends. So I'm totally ok with that deci
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