Thursday 9-10-09

Today in U.S. History my class continued presenting our JFK Projects. The group that had conspiracy theories finished presenting today, and the group that talked about Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby also started today. Mr. Bruns also informed us that starting next week we would only have an assigned blog, and no free-choice blog. This means that each week our blog and discussion is worth 20 points, so we have to include enough information to count for the increase in points.I learned today about a few conspiracy theories. These theories includeed the Anti-greens Theory, Cuban Theory, and the Single Bullet Theory. The Anti-greens theory states that micro-organisms take over peoples brain, and make people kill leaders who want to make the world greener. I learned for the first time today about this theory. I learned that the Cuban Theory was a theory that cuba sent the assassinator to the United States to kill Kennedy because he was unsuccessful in getting rid of Castro in the Bay of Pigs Invasion. I learned that the Single Bullet theory says that JFK and Connally were struck by the same bullet because it may have richoshayed in the car. I believe this in an unlikely theory.I also learned that Oswald had a bad childhood because he moved around a lot, had a bad temper, and didn't graduate from high school. I learned that he went into the Air Force and was a great sharp shooter. He place 7th out of 30 people in his class at a shooting contest. He attempted suicide when he was denied citizenship by the Soviet Union.
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  • Great job!
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