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September 9, 2009

Today in class we presented our JFK conspiracies project. From the other group's presentation I learded a lot of basic information about the JFK assassination.There were three shots fired in the assassination, the first one missed the second one hit
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Wednesday September 8

Today my group and I presented our presentation about the John F. Kennedy assassination. Our group didnt do to great but we at least tried. We had alot of information but we read off of the board and didnt have any pictures or sources. One other grou
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Today is Wednesday. My group presented our JFK assassination powerpoint today. We did not do as well as I wish we would have. We could have worked harded on getting pictures or videos into our project. The class's comments toward us were that we read
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Today we had some people present their assassination projects. We went over the conspiracy theories. There were some theories I have never heard that are kind of rediculous. The secret service one was kind of odd. I don't understand why they would wa
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Today we had more presentations. We finished talking about conspiracy theories by Rachel Chelsea and Ashley. One of the theories was that the soviets didn`t like JFK due to a missil crisis, so they thought Fedel Castro sent someone to kill JFK in Dal
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September 9, 2009

So today we finished talking about our assinged blogs. We talked a little bit more about how horrible it was and I learned that they are appently shuting down all of the secret places where they have previously tortured and interrogated people. I thi
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Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absent Absent absent absent absen
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Today was the beginning of the end. We began presenting our JFK assassination projects to the rest of the class. Only two groups went today, mine included. Fromt he other group, I learned that President Kennedy was in Texas at Dealey Plaza because he
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Today we all attempted to get on the website from the laptops, but most of us failed due to terrible connection. Eventually though, we managed to get on, and from there we read Obama's speech to students and discussed whether or not we thought it was
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President Obama's speech to students

I watched the video of Obama's speech to students. This speech was mainly about students doing their best in school. It's important to try hard at everything you do, and never give up. He gave examples of situations in life that many people could hav
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September 9.2009

Today, people gave their presentations. Nick, Zach, and Austin were first. They had the warren report... I think? They talked about the wrote JFK took on the day of his assassination in the parade. They talked about the shot and how many shots were f
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Mexico Hijacking

A 44-year-old Bolivian drug addict and alcoholic who says he`s a church minister was the person responsible for the brief hijacking Wednesday of a commercial jetliner. Josmar Flores Pereira, told authorities he hijacked the Boeing 737 jet because the
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Wednesday 9-9-09

Today in class groups started presenting their powerpoints on JFK's assassination. The group that went today talked about the Warren Report and another group started presenting their topic on the numerous conspiracy theories. Austin, Rey, and Joseph
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9/9/09 (pretty trippy? i know right)

I'd like to start off this blog on a high note...Beatles rockband!Anywho..Today in C-Dub,The class learned what anarchy and some other type of government were. I'm pretty sure anarchy is when no one wants or can step up to be a political leader, and
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Today we talked about some assasinations in U.S. History. We talked about John Lennon and some conspiracy theories why JFK got killed. I thought it was kinda cool that the pesidents who were assasinated were on the year that ended in zero.
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Tuesday 9-8-09

Today in U.S. History we discussed everyone's free-choice and assigned blog topics. The assigned blog topic for this week was famous assassinations that happened in the United States. We talked about the assassinations of John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln
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September 9, 2009

Today in CWI, we finished the discussions from yesterday. Eli told us about the giant rats in Papa New Guinea. Personally, I don't why we would want big rodents. They're disgusting.After that, we talked about the torture allegations against the Bush
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