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September 11, 2009

Today is September 11, 8 years ago terrorist attacked the twin towers. In class though we took a Political Spectrum Quiz. Mr. Carstens was are teacher cause bruns had meetings. In the the quiz we took i was a little towards republican and a little to
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Political Spectrum Quiz

My Political Views
I am a center-right moderate social libertarian
Right: 2.61, Libertarian: 2.51
Political Spectrum Quiz
This quiz was are assigned blog for the week. In this quiz i didnt know what have the words ment. Minimuim wage and speaking english
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september 11, 2009

..So today in class Mr. Bruns wasn't here. Mr Carson was our sub. He is really cool. He helped me out a lot. We took the political spectrum test today. It was ridiculously hard to comprehend...The political spectrum test went over things like gay mar
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September 11, 2009

Today is the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York. It is a very tragic thing that happened, and I hope that the families that were affected by that are doing better today.We took our political spectrum tests today during class. I am t
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My Foreign Policy Views
Score: 0.8
Political Spectrum Quiz
..Some of the most important issues that we went trhough on the political sprectrum quiz today were abortion, gay marriage, wages, and language. I have mixed feelings on alot of these topics and
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September 11, 2009

Well today in CWI, Bruns is missing in action. So, we didnt really technically learn anything. We were on the computers during the class period so we could finish up our blogs. I took the political spectrum test thing and it showed what kind of polit
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Political Specturm Test

My Political Views
I am a centrist social moderate
Left: 0.3, Authoritarian: 0.78
Political Spectrum Quiz
Above are my test results from the political spectrum test, some of the questions i did not know there for i just put nuetral.THe question about abo
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Nine-Eleven 2009.

Today, the Brunsmaster is gone. We have a sub. We could either finish some blogs or study the Europe test. Most definately we picked finishing blog. We can't really learn anything. So uh...this is short.
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We took the states and capitals test. We graded the test. I got a one-hundred percent on the test. Mr.Bruns also talked about some other stuff, but I completely forgot what he was takling about.I learned that procrastinating on the states and capital
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September 9, 2009 (:

Today in U.S. History my class continued presenting our JFK Projects. Mr. Bruns said that starting next week we would only have an assigned blogs.So now we have to work twenty times has harder just to get the pints, witch is ok but yeahhh i dont thin
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Today in class we learned more about Oswald. Oswald has been suspected to be crazy for years. He once got fired from a job because his boss thought that he was mentally ill. Oswald got into a fight with Offecer J.D. Tippet and shot him four times wit
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September 11,2009

Today we learned about the rest of Oswald and started to to tald about Ruby. Oswald shot a policeman four times and killed him along with JFK. Ruby died of lung cancer and when he was in the hospital, he was confessing to killing Oswald.
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Today is 9/11. Eight years ago, there was a terrorist attack in New York knocking down the twin towers and killing a large amount of moms, dads, and family in general. May we always remember those who died. We also listened to Dajsa's group once agai
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Daily Summary-9/11/09

Today we continued our presentations. I learned how Oswald had done stuff before he killed JFK.He wanted to support Castro, and he fought a man on the street while handing out posters. Oswald was found in a theater after killing JFK. He was in New Or
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September 10, 2009

Today we finished taking about the consiracy theorys of JFK and we started Oswald's life thingy. One of the conspiracy theorys that we learned was about the anti-green theory which is a theory saying that there are little microorganisms that got into
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Today we went over our seperate JFK projects. We got through the conspiracy theories and such. The one I liked the most was how they said that the government might have stolen Lee Harvey's identity and made a guy look like Lee Harvey so they could ki
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First we did tests, there was only three. While the three of us were doing our tests, the others were doing there presentations about JFKs assasination. Chelsea,Rachel,and Ashley went first, I wasn't in the room for that one really so I didn't catch
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September 9, 2009

Today we started to do our presentations. First, we learned about the Warren Commision. The Warren Commision is the actual investigation of the JFK assasination. We started to learn some conspiracy theories of the JFK assasination. The zero game theo
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