
Well, no more free choice blogs. I don't know if that's good or bad, or what, but I don't really mind either way. Anyways, we talked a little bit at the beginning of class about stuff, same as every day starts. We had a couple minutes to cram studying, and then we got 20 minutes to do the states test. I did pretty good - a 97 out of 100. I couldn't remember the capital of North Dakota (which is Bismark; I won't forget that again!), I completely spaced out on writing the word "Nevada",and I thought Pittsburgh was the capital of Pennsylvania (but its actually Harrisburg).After the test, people started to get out the laptops again so they could do their blogs right there in class. Unfortunately, our wonderful school computers decided it was against our well-being to do such things. Aka, very few people actually managed to get on the website before it was time to shut down. I wasn't one of those people; I was racking my brain for the capital of North Dakota at the time. Its Bismark, by the way. The capital of North Dakota is BISMARK.
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  • You'll get that capital next time!!
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