Today in U.S. History everybody talked about our free-choice blog and also our assigned blog over President Obama's speech to America's students. There were a few good free-choice blog topics like the history of cross country, flight 93 during the 9-
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Today in class we went over the european map. I learned a few new things about the capitals. We finished talking about our spectrum test, we had quite a conversation on this. I learned others opinons on these unlike others that i havent heard. Many p
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..September 11, 2001 was one of the worst days in history for the United States. Nineteen Al-Qaeda hijackers took over four planes and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers in New York City. Everyone in the planes were killed and a huge amount of
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Alright so today in class we mostly talked about our political spectrum tests. Brunster also told us that the correct way to do our daily reflective blog is to say what we learned and not just what we talked about. I learned that it is a proven fact
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Mmm, Today in C-Dub...We went over how to correctly do a reflective blog. We also talked about the checklist for an assigned blog. Then, we talked about the Political Spectrum Test.To correctly do a reflective blog you should have atleast two paragra
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Posted by 5Shelbie on September 15, 2009 at 7:22pm
Today my group was the only group to present our JFK project. We talked about the HSCA. Nathan talked about the main points and the differences between what the house select committee thought and what the Warren report thought. I talked about the bul
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Posted by 4Lindsey on September 15, 2009 at 6:05pm
Went over Europe today (thank goodness). I had previously done absolutely nothing about the upcoming test over European countries and capitals. Of course, it isn't for a few weeks yet, but still... Anyways, we got through about half of Europe in the
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Today, in class, via projector Mr. Bruns showed us how to correctly do our assigned blogs, or web logs as I think everyone should say. Anyways, this consists of a checklist for each student to follow for a better grade on their overall website. He ma
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Today, we went over the blog requirements.AGAIN! I was the most irritated at how to get all my points and even I figured it out. I can almost recite the expectations cause he's said it so much. I learned Liz is highly paranoid. We went over the Europ
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Posted by 4Heather on September 15, 2009 at 5:53pm
Today in CWI we went over, once again,the blog expectations. Appearantly, people just aren't getting it, forcing those of us who do to hear it all again. It's irritating because its not difficult!! Its just a matter of laziness. Certain people withou
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Today, in class, we mainly discussed about our blogs from over the past weekend. And we all know what that means...Mine, of all desks, gets stolen for the day, so I am sitting in some stranger's desk. For my blog, I did the Yale student that was murd
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Today was Monday. We discussed our blog topics that we did for last week, and once again, there were some interesting free choice blogs. Josh talked about the history of candy, but due to time, wasn't able to expand much on his blog. Today was also t
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We talked more about what you got on the political spectrum thing. I didn't realize just how many people were liberitarian. When you think about, though, its like the American policy, our catch phrase. "Power, the CHOICE is to the people," and that's
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Posted by 2courtneyb on September 15, 2009 at 4:01pm
Today at the beginning of CWI Mr. Bruns went over the instructions on how to properly do your blog posts. A lot of people aren't putting their thoughts into their blog posts for the week and I think I'm one of them, but I will work on it. After that
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Today Mr. Bruns taught us how to write a good blog. We need to have pictures and give our opinion in them. Also, Bruns is not a fan of people who plagerize, so pretty much we better not do it.We went over Mr. Bruns' JFK powerpoint. JFK and his wife,
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