Posted by 8Jessica on September 16, 2009 at 2:42pm
Another JFK presentation day.House Select Comittee Assassinations.three shots fired from lee harvey oswald from the depository.looked a possibility of 2 gunmenlack of protection-They decided that they were set up wrong in the car because they were to
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Vice President Lyndon Johnson- Only reason why JFK picked him was because he needed votes for texas, but they didn't see eye to eye on most things. He was only a car behind Kennedy, when they heard the shots Johnson was put on the ground to protect h
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Posted by 4kayley. on September 16, 2009 at 2:36pm
Today my group did our presentation about the HSCA and the conspiracy theories. Me and Bre talked about the history and outcomes of the HSCA. Since Cody was gone today, Nelson talked about the theories. After we did our presentation Mr. Bruns continu
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Posted by 4kayley. on September 16, 2009 at 2:31pm
Today we talked about what people thought about Obama's speach and our free choice blogs. Most people said that they thought Obama's speach was encouraging and inspiring. They said that maybe they would try harder hearing that from a president rather
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Today in Cwi we learned about types of governments some more. I had to present my topic on the Political Spectrum Test. Then after that, Bruns started testing people on our oral test. This is all i can say for today, it seemed more like a work day.To
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Today in class we talked about Breann, Kayley, and Nelson's Presentation. Although they went quite fast, this is what i learned.Presentation.JFK:Some evidence proved their was two gunman, but some of that evidence was rejectedThought killed him out o
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Today in Us History we went over how to upload our JFK projects to our pages. We then watched Mr. Bruns present his JFK power point presentation. JFK went to Texas to smooth things over between the governor and senator who weren't getting along at th
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Today we learned how to put are powerpoints on our page. Mr,. Bruns went over his powerpoint on JFK. He had bad back and had a good life. He went to Dallas to get more votes from Texas. Texas was a very important state to get. The south was still spl
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Today Mr. Bruns gave his presentation on JFK. He is currently showing us a picture of his and his wife, asking us where that picture was taken. I think it was taken somewhere by an airplane. The picture was taken in Dallas, Texas, the day he was kill
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today we learned how to upload a Powerpoint into our page. and rearange the page ad well.. then talked about what we remebered from the presentations of JFK., and then covered why he went down there and planned to do. and then looked at the JFK assas
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Today, we were told to update our websites by putting our JFK Assassination Powerpoints at the top of our page so that people would easily find them. We also had to do the same for our blog posts. Uploading or downloading or whatever the hell you cal
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Today my group did our presentation. We did our presentation on why JFK went to Dallas. He went to Dallas to pretty much campain. The presidential election was that next year and Kennedy wanted to get things strightened out with Govenor Connally and
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Posted by 5Cheyna on September 16, 2009 at 12:30pm
Today we went over the map. Then we talked about where we were on the political veiws chart. Most were on bottom left corner. Then we talked about the president and how there might be rasism. I pesonaly think that there is some rasism in the liberal
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Today in CWI, Nelson talked about his political spectrum test web log to start things off. Then we talked more about the test, and I learned about where all the parties fall on the graph and stuff like that.We also went over the European map some mor
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Today in class we went over the European countries and capitals. We talked about the political spectrum test and discussed where we were and what it ment. Then we talked about Obama how he is hated because he is black. Cheyanne agreed. We discussed h
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We started off class by going over part of the European map. Then, we went into being libertarion and conservative. The class started talking about race and Obama. If he was black would the speech he said be less of a problem? Mr. Bruns then explaine
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Posted by 4Brianna on September 16, 2009 at 11:55am
Today in CWI, we first went over the european countries we learned yesterday. I think that test will be really hard. Next we looked at what ex-president Carter had to say about people being racist towards Obama. I think that the younger people in thi
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