..September 11, 2001 was one of the worst days in history for the United States. Nineteen Al-Qaeda hijackers took over four planes and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers in New York City. Everyone in the planes were killed and a huge amount of people that were in and around the Twin Towers also lost their lives that terrible day. I can't imagine how scared I would have been if I would have been there that day. It still makes me sad to think about the people that lost their lives that day...The buildings were completely demolished and fell in two hours time. Buildings around it were also damages and destroyed. People all around were hurt. The other two hijacked planes were also attempting to destroy important buildings. One was crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington Virginia. The other was brought down in a field in Pennsylvania. It was meant to go to Washington, DC but the members aboard the plane did a brave thing. They took down the terrorists and redirected the plane. They landed it where it couldn't hurt anyone. They are heroes for that. It would've been really scary to know you are going to die. I think that they are great citizens for what they did...The total number of people killed that day was 2,993. The majority of those people were civilians. 6,291 or more people were injured that day. Some injuries were more severe from others. Rescue workers were finding bodies of dead people for weeks after the incident. It was really awful watching that on tv...I was in first grade when it happened. I remember watching them play the building being struck by the plane. They showed the clip a million times. I also remember hearing things about how the dust and ashes around the building was really thick. One person was reported of death by lung cancer from the ashes and dust. I think its really sad that those terrorists could be so inhumane. How could they agree to killing thousands and thounsands of people? Its really sick. I wish that there was a such thing as world peace. But my guess is that it won't happen for a long time, if ever.