september 15, 2009

Alright so today in class we mostly talked about our political spectrum tests. Brunster also told us that the correct way to do our daily reflective blog is to say what we learned and not just what we talked about. I learned that it is a proven fact that if you write down what you did in class each day that you will have better test scores. I guess thats prolly true.When we talked about the umm political spectrum test, most people chose the topics of abortion, gay marriage, and language in countries. I learned that abortion has the most mixed feelings of the three. I also learned that everyone in our class is completely fine with gay marriage. I think that is great. People deserve to make those decisions without being confronted for it. The topic about having to learn the language of the country you live in was talked about a lot. I learned that people in the U.S. mostly speak English and that we all want hispanics to learn it when they move here.I have nothing against mexican people, I just find their language extremely hard to learn.
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  • I doubt that everyone is fine with gay marriage.
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