Posted by 4Lindsey on September 15, 2009 at 6:05pm
Went over Europe today (thank goodness). I had previously done absolutely nothing about the upcoming test over European countries and capitals. Of course, it isn't for a few weeks yet, but still... Anyways, we got through about half of Europe in the last 10 minutes of class. I did not appreciate Stacey's lack of knowledge on the location of Luxembourg. It's between France and Germany for pete's sake!!! But, seeing as I have ancestors form there and she does not, I can't really blame her for it... (doing a unit on family trees right now in FCS:))Beforehand of this 10 minutes of Euro-fun, we continued our discussion on the results of our political spectrum test. Learned that more to the right was Republican, more to the left was Democrat. I was to the left.... :(. Most people are centrist, and/or moderate, which I was too. We also went over what we would be doing in the next couple of days; researching both the Republican and the Democrat parties.