Posted by 3AustinE on September 15, 2009 at 2:41pm
The first thing that we did today in class we talked about how we can get all of the points from the daily blog. I learned that all we have to do is summarize the class and write what we learned. Mr Bruns also showed us the assigned blog checklist. T
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Mr. Bruns talked about what he expects from a blog. I learned even more about what he wants out of a blog to make it even better. He also restated the importance of not plagiarising. I think that if you plagiarized somethin onto a blog post you're no
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Today we talked about what we should have in our daily blogs and assigned blogs, again. I always forget to reflect on what i think about the story, whoops. We learned the point values that will be lost if we forget to do any certain thing. I learned
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Posted by 8Jessica on September 15, 2009 at 2:38pm
Today at the begining of class Mr. Bruns shared his new message board post. It's called, "How to Succeed Writing Daily Reflective Blog Entries". He explained what were expected to write about in the daily reflective blog, which is what we learned tha
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Today Mr. Bruns talked to us a lot about the JFK assassination. We looked at the Zupruder film and the frame by frame. He also talked about how he didn't want us to plagerize and we will get a detention. I learned that if I plagiarized I will get a d
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Today in class we discussed more about the correct way to do a daily blog entry. He showed us a blog entry he posted teaching us how to correct it. I learned that first of all, you have to do it. Second of all, your write about what you learned, and
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Today in CWI we finished up the Political Spectrum Test web log discussion. After that we talked about the daily reflective web logs and how we're supposed to put what we learned that day. And that's what I learned today!We also started going over th
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Today we talked bout are free choice. One was an oldest person died just a few days ago. Another was the gender problem. It was found out that she was a hermafodite which means she was a guy and a girl. That was just a few of the things we learned. W
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In this day in American history, we finished the last presentations, which where about the JFK assasination the Warren Commission, which was about the basics about what had happend during the assasination, and the last presentation was about Lee Harv
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Today is Tuesday, and we are finishing up our JFK presentations. Trace and Zack showed us the rest of the presentation following up from last Thursday. What I learned on the Warren Report is in a previously blog, 9/10/09. The Evermore Report says tha
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Today in Us History we talked about D-Day. It took place during World War II. The French charged the beach. The Germans surrendered about a year after the battle. We also reviewed the Obama speech on education. Ian picked out some controversial and c
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We started out class with one last free choice blog about D Day, which was an invasion on France occupied by Germany by the allies.After that we went continued with presentations. The first presentation was finishing the rest of the presentation give
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Today we had a few presentions to do. First went Zack and Tracer. They did the Warren Commission. The report came before the other repoort. It was based on imformation they thought that happened. It had 28 chapters. It was what he was going to do bef
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Posted by 4Brianna on September 15, 2009 at 1:34pm
In class today, we talked about how we should do our reflective and assigned blogs. Then we continued talking about results on our political spectrum tests. That is a test to see which party your views match up with most.I found out that we have a lo
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Today in class we discussed our blogs. I learned about things like the history of candy, and staff infections. I never realized how nasty those things are. Kyla talked about H1N1 and Harris inspired us with his knowledge of Star Wars.After the free c
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Today is Monday, this first day of the week. My topic for this week's assigned blog is Taliban. I learned that candy is anything you can coat with sugar. in 1870 the first electric telephone was invented by Alexander Bell and one other guy. The H1N1
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Today in class we discussed about blogs for the last time. We learned that if you plagerise that you get a 0 and a detention. We went over the western part of the european capitals and countries. In the middle of class we told where we stood politica
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Well I was absent today but I did learn some stuff from the TV I watched history channel most of the day and I learned how beer is made, the yeast fermentation and the works I didn't realize how easy it was I was pretty surprised, other then that tho
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Posted by 5Fitz (: on September 15, 2009 at 11:10am
Today in class I mentioned that Swayze died from his cancer. My group also did our presentation. I think I did kind of poorly but oh well. Nathan did really good and had good information. Shelbie as well.I learned that i need to not stand in the corn
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