
Today, in class, via projector Mr. Bruns showed us how to correctly do our assigned blogs, or web logs as I think everyone should say. Anyways, this consists of a checklist for each student to follow for a better grade on their overall website. He made this because a lot of people had the tendency of not putting their personal thought somewhere in their blogs. He also showed us on the forum that there is a discussion (started by Mr. Bruns himself, of course) that also discusses how to succeed in the mystical world of DAILY REFLECTIVE blogs. I haven't looked at either of these, I think we all know why. I'M AWESOME.Today, also in class, we discussed how Patrick Swayze (Sp?) died of cancer, as he has been sick for quite some time. We discussed of our political spectrum quizzes from over the weekend, which was absolutely delightful. I guess that class was split or so from "right or left" when it comes to their views. One person was even dead on the middle, who had a really long title. To top it off, we went over a portion of the European countries and capitals.
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  • Well, of course you are. Just keep doing what you are doing.
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