Mr Bruns 360 Message Board (5077)


In recent news an invasive spices of fish have invaded central park.  This fish is the northern snakehead that is able to survive on land for days at a time.  The snakehead is originally from Asia and Russia in does not have any naturel predators and

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2 Replies · Reply by 6Jilian May 1, 2013

new $100

In recent news the government has decided to release the new 100 dollar bill on Oct. 8th.  It was originally planned to be released in 2010 but there was a problem in the printing.  As of last year the $100 bill was the most popular in the world with

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8 Replies · Reply by Haley May 10, 2013

time box

In recent news the first Lutheran church of Oklahoma City dug up and opened a time capsule that was buried for 100 years.  The artifacts inside were intact, the reason being that they were placed in a copper chest.  The chest was also buried in concr

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3 Replies · Reply by 7Addie Apr 25, 2013
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