Who is your nurse

In Seattle at a hospital a women was going from room to room taking medicine from people and stealing it. She dressed as a nurse and claimed to be one when she walked into a patients room and took medicine. I would be scared now as too who my nurse is and if she is really helping me or hurting me. Click here for more info. 

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  • I wonder how she got into where the patients were if she wasn't a patient....and you'd think someone might notice if a "fake" nurse was running around. Maybe it was just a big hospital...but this lady is obviously addicted to something or knows people who are and was going to try to make some cash off other people's medications.

  • she probably stole them just to sell them and get money. but that'd be pretty freaky if that happened around here

  • omg that is so weird! i would be kinda iffy on things with nurses as well now ha

  • That is freaky. She is probably a drug dealer or something weird. I hope nobody died or got severally hurt because they didn't have their meds. You would feel horrible if you were that lady and you killed someone, or at least I would.

  • That's a very clever way to get drugs. People are becoming more and more creative with ways to get drugs. I wish they put there clever minds to better use though...

  • I think the "fake" nurse is like a druggy and she was taking there meds and stuff! Hope she gets fired

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