Mr Bruns 360 Message Board (5077)


In recent news a student in West Virginia was arrested at school for wearing a shirt that said protect your rights with a hunting rifle and the NRA logo.  The 14 year old kid was stopped by a teacher during lunch and was asked to remove the shirt.  W

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8 Replies · Reply by 4 Simonida Apr 28, 2013

bad shirt

In recent news a new shirt was released just before the bombing that stated the Boston massacre.  The original idea was to refer to the Yankees beating the red sox.  But ever since the bombing the shirts have gotten some un-wanted attention that Nike

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2 Replies · Reply by 3Tina Apr 24, 2013

border fail

In recent news a women who lives in Mexico but works in San Diego called the cops, but what makes this different was that it was on herself for un-knowingly bringing 30lbs. of marijuana to the U.S.  She first noticed it when some men she claimed to n

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15 Replies · Reply by 4Jess Apr 30, 2013

space flight

In recent news a privately owned rocket was built and launched from a commercial spaceport.  It lifted off at 5 p.m. and ten minutes later let its load an 8,380 lb. dummy capsule.  The next flight is planed to carry a cargo ship for a demonstration m

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5 Replies · Reply by 3 Cali Apr 26, 2013


In recent news less than ten miles away from where the 3 people died and the 170 were injured is a billboard that reads cowards. The billboard is stationed off the I-93 expressway that crosses the city.  It was put in place to show the man who did th

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Boston Bomb

In recent news two bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston marathon killing 3 people and injuring more than 130 people.  As of right now the nation is afraid that it might be another tersest attack, officials have also stated that there were

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