The Jacksonville Jaguars, Jaguars wide receiver Justin Blackmon will be suspended for the first four games of the 2013 regular season due to a violation of the league's substance-abuse policy. The reason why he is suspended is because he did drugs. According to NFL they are not allowed to disclose what drug was taken. 

I think if you are that dedicated and made it all the way to the NFL you wouldn't do anything to mess it up. I'm sure he feels bad about it. What are your thoughts?

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  • I think he should know better and know not to do that. I do feel a little bad for him though.

  • Why, just why would you do that. Your a NFL star and you can support your self enough why would you need to do drugs.

  • Why would he do this to himself? He should know if he does drugs someone will find out and he will get in trouble and get suspended... He probably should have thought that one through..

  • You hear a lot about great sports players getting in trouble because of one stupid little decision. I'm sure this guy is really kicking himself now. He has pretty much ruined his reputation after he's worked so hard to get to where he's at.

  • I think he is dumb and why would you do something like that and that sucks but he is only suspened for 4 games it not like they are taking his pay check a way

  • Justin Blackmon is a really good player, but what happens with a lot of good players is they do something to screw it all up. He really should have watched himself while hes on the team

  • I don't understand how someone could make a decision like that when they've worked so hard to get where they were at. Just goes to show you should never abuse or take advantage of such an amazing opportunity.

  • This doesn't suprise me because lots of pro atheletes are on drugs but dont get caught. He is a very good player and it stinks to see someone with that much talent get suspended for doing something that is innapropriate and agaginst the rules

  • This is to bad! I think its to bad that he made it that far and is now can't play. I think so people need to think before they do things like this because the actions will have consequences.

  • It won't hurt him any because it's only 4 games but it might hurt the Jags because they aren't that great.

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