Henry Gribbohm, 30, of Epson, New Hampshire as filed a complaint to the police b/c he spent his entire life savings at a gaming stall, and only won a giant banana with dreadlocks. He spent over $2,600 trying to win an Xbox 360 Kinect for his kids at the $5 a throw ball throwing game called Tubs of Fun. At first he only lost $300 (or 60 throws) then went home to get all that he had, $2,300 (460 throws), in an attempt to win back what he lost. "They explained to me I was going to get all my money back," he said, "I was going to get an Xbox Kinect... They lied to me." Upon arrival the next day to complain to the operator, the operator showed some compassion and gave him a whopping....just kidding $600 and a Jamaican banana, Mr. Gribbohm contacted local police, and officers are now investigating to see if any fraud occurred.

Now I understand why I never got to play those $ games at the fair. You should thank your parents if they did the same mine did. I can't believe though that he spent $2,600 and 520 throws on an Xbox 360, go to BestBuy, they'll hook you up for $1,000 max. surprised the idiot didn't throw out his shoulder.

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  • I think it was really dumb of him to put his whole life savings on a game when he could just go buy a Xbox. I think it is just dumb that the carnival people lied to him though, and told him that he would get him money back and just give him 600 dollars and a banana.

  • Wow he's the dumb one in this situation!! if he really wanted one he should have just went an bought one that way if it doesn't work you could return it other than just be stuck with it. I'm glad my mom never let me spend money on these games because they already make me mad when you lose and the people just smile grr.

  • I think this is pretty crazy on both sides. It wasn't right on the carnival's part but this guy shouldn't have spent all of his money anyway. I'm pretty sure he could have just bought the Xbox for his kids for that amount of money. Apparently he didn't think of that solution.

  • This is really dumb!! If he was really smart he would have just used that money to buy a kinect from the store.

  • This is ridiculous. It's different when you're a kid and don't really understand the full meaning of money, but this guy is a grown man! He could have bought like 4 kinects with the money he wasted.

  • These games are fixed. They are made to make easy money off of you. Bottom line don't waste more than a couple times on the game.

  • He is an idiot for doing that. If i was a cop I would of been like its your fault that you lost all the money. You should just go to Walmart or someplace else that sold an Xbox 360 kinect.

  • I don't understand why the guy just didn't stop playing. With the money he spent trying to win the game, he could have gone out and just bought an Xbox. This man obviously does not have common sense.

  • I would not be very happy about this. But i guess he wanted that x box for his kids. He could have bought one for much less if he just went to a store but he probably thought we wouldn't ahve to spend as much money playing the game.

  • WOW! i would not be very happy! but if he wanted that X box for his kids, why wouldnt he jus go to a best buy and buy one instead of wasting your money a game.

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